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Betaa (Anonymous, 91.246.108.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How quickly can the healing effect be noticed after the administration of Enterol with diarrhea and when to give the next dose?

Hello, the daughter has diarrhea for a few days. He eats and drinks. She took the first sachet of enterol, after about an hour diarrhea appeared again. How quickly can you notice the effect? Should I give another sachet after such a time? Best regards

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

It all depends on the cause of diarrhea and the age of the child. First of all, it is necessary to consider the source of the problem - perhaps probiotic treatment alone is not enough and it will be necessary to implement containment drugs. The effect of Enterol therapy can be noticeable after a few days of regular use of the drug. With acute infectious diarrhea, 1 to 2 doses of Enterol are administered daily for up to 1 week. However, there is no minimum time that must elapse between doses - you can give a second dose, e.g. after 1-2 hours from the first. I attach a link to a helpful post: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/biegunka-i-wymioty-u-dziecka

Betaa (Anonymous, 91.246.108.) 2 years ago


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