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Saba (Anonymous, 79.185.51.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can Izotek weaken the effect of contraceptive pills?

Can Izotek weaken the effect of contraceptive pills? I take Vixpo and Izotek tablets at a dose of 30mg per day. I am afraid that Izotek may weaken the effect of contraception, because I have read it in many sources.

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Izotek does not weaken the effectiveness of contraceptive pills - so there is no need to use additional methods of contraception, although during the treatment it is worth choosing it. I enclose the leaflet: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/38761/izotek-20-mg-kapsulki/ulotka

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

4 months ago

To @Ewelina:

I do not know on the basis of what sources your message was made, but clinical studies do not indicate that isotretinoin therapy affects the effectiveness of combined contraceptive therapy (including ethinyl estradiol tablets). The use of additional protection is recommended because the use of the pill, like any other method of contraception, does not provide 100% protection against pregnancy.

These substances do interact, but it is about exacerbating lipid disorders. Concomitant use of isotretinoin and ethinyl estradiol may cause, for example, an increase in cholesterol levels.

Ewelina (Anonymous, 46.204.13.) 4 months ago

According to drug interactions, "the drugs you are asking about contain ISOTRETINOIN and ETINYLESTRADIOL. The combination of both medicines may reduce the contraceptive effect of ethinyl estradiol." I'm taking regulon with ethinylestradiol and since the second half of the 2nd pack I've been bleeding for 2 weeks now. I take pills without a break for bleeding due to endometriosis. According to my gynecologist, isotek can interact with ethinyl estradiol.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

It is not necessary to keep a break between Izotek and contraceptive pills - it does not affect their operation. As I wrote, condoms are recommended to make sure that if the effectiveness of the tablets is weakened, fertilization will not occur, but you can give up using them at your own risk.

Saba (Anonymous, 79.185.4.) 2 years ago

If I use the tablets very conscientiously (I have never forgotten any) and watch out for possible interactions of the tablets with other drugs / food products, is there still a need to use condoms, are the tablets sufficient protection? And should you take a few hours between taking them and taking izoteku? I would like to add that the dermatologist recommended the use of contraceptive pills, which I was already using at that time, she only asked about their name and did not mention the need to use the mechanical method additionally, my doubts result from what I read on the Internet and in leaflets.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

This is due to the wording in the leaflet of the drug: "The patient must agree to the use of at least one highly reliable method of contraception (for example, an intrauterine device or contraceptive implant), or two effective methods that work in different ways (for example, oral hormonal contraceptives and condoms)." Such a recommendation, in turn, results from the fact that contraceptive pills are a user-dependent method, i.e. the patient may forget to take the pill and then contraceptive protection could be weakened, and during treatment with isotretinoin this is a potential danger. For this reason, it is often recommended to combine two methods of contraception to be sure.

Saba (Anonymous, 79.185.4.) 2 years ago

I read in some sources that with contraceptive pills you still have to use condoms with Izotek, is this true? Why if so?

Saba (Anonymous, 79.185.51.) 2 years ago

Is it enough to use tablets, or do you need to use condoms additionally?

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