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piot (Anonymous, 195.117.148.) Warszawa 2 years ago

What are the most common withdrawal symptoms of Dulsevia and how long can they last?

The doctor decided to stop taking Dulsevia. For the first few days it was good, and now he feels bad. My question: what are the most common withdrawal symptoms of this drug and how long can they last?

26 answers, 1 subscriber

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Anna Pochopień Pharmacist

2 years ago

Changes in health are very common during discontinuation of this drug. Their severity varies depending on the duration of treatment, the dose used, as well as the rate of dose reduction - the drug should never be discontinued overnight, doses should be reduced gradually over at least 1-2 weeks. Withdrawal symptoms most often appear, as in the Lord, a few days after discontinuation of the drug. They usually disappear spontaneously within 2 weeks, but it happens that they can last up to 2-3 months. These include: dizziness, sensory disturbances (e.g. sensation of electric shock in the head area), sleep disorders (insomnia or increased dreams), fatigue and drowsiness, excessive agitation and anxiety, as well as gastrointestinal symptoms (m.in diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain). I encourage you to read the leaflet of the drug Dulsevia: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/89259/dulsevia-kapsulki/ulotka/

Michał  (Anonymous, 188.146.116.) 32 days ago

I do not recommend this drug. First 1 week ok .then another 2 weeks (30mg )
My head is watermelon, dizziness like on a ship all the time, tinnitus in my ears, sweat and fatigue is enough only to climb the stairs to one floor of the entrances, pressure and shaving my head constantly... I don't recommend it

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

To @Darek:

No, Dulsevia (Duloxetine) does not alter receptors in the brain permanently. After stopping the drug, the receptors return to the state before taking it.

Dulsevia is a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, which means that it increases the concentration of these neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft. It is a medication used to treat depression, anxiety, and some forms of chronic pain. However, it does not cause permanent changes in the receptors, but only modulates their activity while taking the drug. It works by increasing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain by inhibiting their reuptake by neurons.

Once the therapy is complete and Dulsevia is eliminated from the body, the receptors gradually return to their original state of functioning. The body is able to fully recover, as it was before taking the drug, although this process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the length and dose of the treatment used, as well as the individual biological characteristics of the patient.

However, it is important to note that abrupt withdrawal of Dulsevia can lead to withdrawal symptoms such as dizziness, insomnia, nausea, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to gradually reduce the dosage under medical supervision to minimize these side effects.

Darek (Anonymous, 185.230.28.) 2 months ago

Does Dulsevia change the receptors in our brain forever (without returning)? Is it possible for the body to recover 100% as it did before taking this drug (or similar)?

Agnieszka (Anonymous, 89.64.93.) 2 months ago

I confirm what Andrzej wrote above. The capsules are easy to open, some of the contents discarded, thus reducing the daily dose very gently, and finally closed and swallowed again. We don't need the manufacturer to introduce smaller doses to the market - we can handle it ourselves! I myself am in the process of coming off the drug in this way. The jump from 60 to 30 was hard, so I was looking for alternatives. So far so good:)

depresja lękowa  (Anonymous, 89.64.26.) 2 months ago

I took this drug for 5 months with a 60mg dose in the morning. After 4 months I went down to a dose of 30mg per day and so on for a month of time. Yes, the psychiatrist mentioned that I can't stop taking this drug suddenly, and even if she didn't, I'm interested in what I'm taking, even if I'm prescribed it, I'll read it before I take whatever I'm given. It is 2 days after discontinuation of the drug After a month of decreasing the dose. Massacre... dizziness, vision problems, photophobia, still like on a boat, the worst thing is that from time to time hallucinations have occurred, e.g. that the objects on the table I have the impression have moved by themselves. Although it may sound funny, for me it is not funny. I did not think that this drug could turn out to be a drug from the list of those that cannot be rejected and that is so addictive to the body. Not to mention the constant pressure in the eyeballs and the recurring problems with falling asleep even when using ketilept for sleep.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

To @tomasziwan:

I understand that you are experiencing a number of worrying symptoms (twitching of the eyelids, leg and arm muscles, distraction, anxiety, concentration problems and sleep disturbances) after stopping Dulsevia.

The symptoms you describe may be related to the discontinuation of this drug. Abruptly stopping taking it can lead to withdrawal symptoms. Such symptoms are quite common and usually go away on their own within 2 weeks, but sometimes they can last up to 2-3 months.

In this situation, the most important thing is to consult your doctor, who will be able to assess your situation and suggest appropriate treatment. If you do not have the opportunity to consult your doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:

It is also worth noting that inflammation of the stomach may also have affected your well-being. Treating this problem can help alleviate some ailments.

tomasziwan (Anonymous, 31.0.124.) 3 months ago

I don't know if I should link my symptoms to Dulsevia discontinuation, but ...... After taking this medication for a longer period of time, there was an improvement in well-being. Unfortunately, my stomach gave out and we had to stop taking all medication from the neurologist due to the inflammation that came out during the gastroscopy. I would like to mention that I did not take Dulsevie regularly before withdrawal due to stomach pain. After complete withdrawal, the mood is checkered - literally a lottery, because every day is different. Vibrations of the eyelid, leg and arm muscles, strange distraction, anxiety, poor concentration, sometimes drowsiness or insomnia. Drama in general. If anyone has a similar experience, please share your feelings after stopping this drug. Best regards

Konrad (Anonymous, 5.173.160.) 4 months ago

Why don't KRKA and other duloxetine prosumcents do 15 mg doses? So that it would be easier for those who are more prone to side effects to start and easier to stop? Even more so after recovering from COVID 19 it is more difficult to start the drug, the brain may be weakened after COVID. The second thing is why KRKA doesn't produce white capsules, but navy blue ones. It's unnecessary. Why this dye, why poison people with dye, just because the box is navy blue? Why don't KRKA and other manufacturers of medicine duloxetine make 15 mg doses? That it would be easier for those who are more susceptible to side effects to start and easier to stop? It is even more difficult to start taking medication after suffering from COVID 19, as the brain may be weakened after COVID. The second thing is why KRKA does not produce white capsules, only navy blue ones. It's unnecessary. Why poison people with colorants just because the box is navy blue?

TakToJest (Anonymous, 188.33.233.) 4 months ago

I see that all doctors and pharmacists repeat like a mantra that you need to consult a doctor or pharmacist - like an advertisement. They also reiterate that they stop within 2 weeks and the symptoms should subside, but they can last 2-3 months. Folks, they only talk as much as they know from a flyer. Any fool can read the flyer. They have never had contact with these drugs in their lives, and they are very resistant to knowledge, because why when they see that a person is still tired after 2 weeks of withdrawal, they do not decide to stop more slowly? Because the manufacturer does not provide for it. And why? Because you're going to get back to that fear. I was discontinuing Zoloft from the dose of 200mg for 3 months and I didn't even feel the condition getting worse. I guess that makes sense on logic, huh? If withdrawal symptoms can persist for 3 months, then discontinue for 4 months by gradually reducing the dose. The manufacturer also did not provide for smaller doses, but also did not provide for opening the capsule and dividing it. It's worth laughing. After all, the capsule dissolves in a few minutes and releases the granules, so what's the difference? Are you still wondering why the manufacturer and the doctor repeat the usual slogans like a leaflet? You're supposed to take, pay, and stuff their coffers. I'm not an enemy of this type of medication, but I've had the approach and instructions of doctors and pharmacists anyway. Listen to the people who took it, not the ones who read the leaflet and know the manufacturer's recommendations, because it's about the edge. y dithering.

Marta ko (Anonymous, 213.134.163.) 6 months ago

For the first month I didn't have any improvement, I felt like I had a big hangover plus a tingling of the tongue, a helicopter. It only got better from there. I've been taking it for 1.5 years now. I'm totally afraid to stop. It's the best 1.5 years of my life

Alicja  (Anonymous, 83.21.193.) 6 months ago

All psychiatric drugs are addictive. They change receptors in the brain that cannot come into balance when the pills are discontinued. These are powerful prescription drugs. I don't know how you can prescribe it to people. They ruin the liver, kidneys, life and health. Withdrawal symptoms drag on for years and doctors say it's a relapse. After a while, the medication stops working and you have to increase the dose or switch to another drug. And so on and so forth until it turns out that all the medications no longer work. Withdrawal is a nightmare. In the United States, there are special clinics for withdrawal from antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs. There are thousands of people on forums who struggle for years trying to stop taking these drugs. A lot of people commit suicide because they can't stand the hell of these drugs. Do not take these drugs!. It's better to go to a therapist if it's hard to change something in your life yourself. Pills don't cure anything, you have to find out what caused the symptoms of neurosis or some other disease. You have to get to the cause, not just treat the effects. It's just a band-aid that covers a wound that won't heal. How can you change the chemistry of the brain and its receptors without knowing the cause? Barbiturates used to be prescribed until it became apparent how harmful these drugs were, including the fact that they caused cancer. Later, benzodiazepines were created, which were supposed to be super drugs. And what turned out is that they are also toxic and so addictive that you can't live without them later and withdrawal is hell while you are alive. Later, the so-called Z-drugs, i.e. zolpidem, etc. They were supposed to be safe. And what it turned out to be. That they are also addictive. And doctors continue to prescribe them. It's a pity that they don't take it themselves to feel what it feels like to stop taking these drugs. And the drug companies make millions off people who are guinea pigs and pay for it with their lives.

Pola  (Anonymous, 86.30.236.) 9 months ago

Tired . I can't function

Zmęczona  (Anonymous, 176.221.122.) 10 months ago

Why haven't I seen this thread before.... I took Dulseva almost two years. I went from 60 to 30 and 30 to zero. It is impossible to function normally. When I walk, I have the impression that it will fall over, I am so weak. In the head constantly squeaks, wheezes, eyes constantly hurt. Still nauseated.... everything teases.. only the second day. How long did it take for your symptoms to subside?

Andrzej (Anonymous, 188.146.126.) 12 months ago

Duloxetine 30, which I took for 4 weeks, did not help. The doctor is on leave, so I leave according to my scheme. There are 205 grains in the capsule. I divided it into 21 days (3 weeks) and it came out to subtract 10 grains every day. After a week of withdrawal, for the time being, the side effects are basically zero. I hope this will be the case for the next 2 weeks. Maybe it will help someone. Best regards. Andrew.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

To @Poszukiwacz help: I am afraid that you will need to consult the doctor who recommended the use of duloxetine. The drug is available on prescription, so the doctor should decide to change the dosage regimen. All observed side effects should be reported to the specialist. You can read about why you should report side effects of medicines here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane You may not be willing to return to duloxetine therapy and will suggest a different treatment. You can read about other methods of treatment here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/zaburzenia-lekowe-nerwica

Poszukiwacz pomocy  (Anonymous, 5.173.42.) 12 months ago

Hello, I need help Recently I was at the psychiatrist and he assigned me the drug duloxetine mylan, I was not informed about the strong side effects of this drug and that I should not suddenly stop it, after 2 weeks of use I did not see any superlatives in the use of this drug so I stopped it suddenly, unfortunately even stronger side effects began to appear than when using, increased anxiety, sounding of the state of consciousness, severe migraines, feeling of electric shock in the head area, dizziness, weakness, twisting in the stomach, feeling of confusion, but the biggest problems began to appear with vision with symptoms such as - When the gaze is directed towards the light, the light splits, I see light in three dimensions, in addition, when it quickly directs the gaze towards the light after I previously looked at the light, scots appear - Photophobia - Sore eyes, pain in the eyeballs when moving burning eyes - Eye strain - Severe migraines, with pain going through the nostrils temples with twisting in the stomach - blurred vision - The ailments intensified so at sunset - Poorer visibility at night - Irritable eyes, blurred image - Feeling of sand in the eyes, feeling of dry eyes - - When I look towards the dawn, the light pulsates and has a tenche around in the circle I read that this drug causes pressure inside the eyeballs which causes an attack of acute glaucoma, all ailments agree, I went for ophthalmological examinations the doctor did not find anything, I have no way to contact the doctor who assigned me this drug because the doctor dismissed, and the next visit is scheduled for 2 months, at this point I am about 3 weeks after discontinuation of the drug, side effects do not pass, What should I do? I read that sometimes if you suddenly stop this drug is necessary to resume the dose to discontinue it perfunctorily in a larger interval of time, but does it make sense to return to this drug after 3 weeks of withdrawal? Hello, I need help Recently I was at the psychiatrist and he assigned me the drug duloxetine mylan, I was not informed about the strong side effects of this drug and that I should not suddenly stop it, after 2 weeks of use I did not see any superlatives in the use of this drug so I stopped it suddenly, unfortunately even stronger side effects began to appear than when using, increased anxiety, state of consciousness, anxiety, severe migraines, lack of energy, feeling of electric shock around the head, weakness, great fatigue twisting in the stomach, feeling of confusion, but the biggest problems began to appear with vision with symptoms such as - When the eyes are directed towards the light, the light splits, I see light in three dimensions, in addition, when it quickly directs its eyes towards the light after I looked at the light before, scots appear - Photophobia - Sore eyes, pain in the eyeballs when moving burning eyes - Eye strain - Severe migraines, with pain going through the nostrils temples with twisting in the stomach - blurred vision - The ailments intensified so at sunset - Poorer visibility at night - Irritable eyes, blurred image - Feeling of sand in the eyes, feeling of dry eyes - - When I look towards the dawn, the light pulsates and has a tenche around in the circle I read that this drug causes pressure inside the knobs which causes an attack of acute glaucoma, all ailments agree, I went for ophthalmological examinations the doctor did not find anything, I have no way to contact the doctor who assigned it to me because the doctor has dismissed, and the next visit is scheduled for 2 months, at this point I am about 3 weeks after discontinuation of the drug, side effects do not pass, What should I do? I read that sometimes if you suddenly stop this drug is necessary to resume the dose to discontinue it perfunctorily in a larger interval of time, but does it make sense to return to this drug after 3 weeks of withdrawal? In addition, I have introduced a supportive drug, but I am not able to function normally, please help, some direction greet

Anna (Anonymous, 37.225.17.) 15 months ago

Duloxetine - something terrible. After going down from a dose of 90 mg to 60 mg tragic well-being. Pain all over the body, tearfulness, dizziness, flu-like symptoms. It must be a highly addictive substance. Robbery in broad daylight. I think someone will eventually take care of it and clean up drugs of this type. The doctor says that as the symptoms persist, you should go back to a higher dose. So when can you stop taking this drug to do it painlessly? There's a series on HBO that talks about the pharmaceutical company "Dopesick," and talks about drugs that were so addictive that the company made a lot of money... I don't know how such a thing can be prescribed to a man. I believe that the body can not cope without a sufficient dose of this substance. Probably a good business for many...

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

For @Kasia: Withdrawal symptoms usually disappear spontaneously within 2 weeks, but it happens that they can last up to 2-3 months. Observed side effects should be reported to the doctor, you may need supportive treatment.

Kasia (Anonymous, 91.235.239.) 1 year ago

Hello, I also discontinue dulsevia. Theoretically, I gradually went down about 2 weeks. For 2 days I do not take at all but for this I began terrible pressure jumps (+very high pressure), problems with catching my breath and painful swelling of the legs and arms. Not to mention dizziness and distress. When will these symptoms pass? I do not know what to do: /

Aaac (Anonymous, 87.5.234.) 1 year ago

I first reduced the dose from 60 to 30 and was dizzy after a week. I didn't know why, now I know🙂 Now I'm weaning from 30 to zero and I have the same thing. Good to know because I was afraid of something wrong with me.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

It should be emphasized that the body's response to specific drugs is an individual feature and it is difficult to predict how long withdrawal symptoms will persist in a particular case. Withdrawal symptoms usually disappear spontaneously within 2 weeks, but it happens that they can last up to 2-3 months.

Dominics (Anonymous, 188.146.77.) 1 year ago

Hi I'm also in the process of discontinuing this drug and I have exactly the same symptoms horrible dizziness, tinnitus and these strange prads and in addition I'm terribly tired. A week of time I took the drug every other day and on days when I did not take it I also had these symptoms. How long can it take?

K-Mill (Anonymous, 95.175.20.) 2 years ago

Hi Peter, I have a similar situation. Reporting a problem with libido, the doctor prescribed me Wellbutrin XR, but also discontinued Dusevie overnight. Where so far I have taken 60mg. Currently, it is the 3rd day in which my head is constantly spinning. From time to time, these infamous "currents" appear from the head all over the body. It's damn persistent because I can't drive a car or fully function. The doctor did not inform me in advance about the possible side effects of discontinuation of this drug, knowing that I would not even decide to use it. I have the impression that they are too little interested in the opinions of people who come into contact with these drugs. And how are you currently feeling, Peter? After those 10 days, did you feel a little better? Regards, Kamil

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

If withdrawal symptoms still persist after 12 days of discontinuation, you can use the medicine every other day. I encourage you to consult your doctor, who is best acquainted with your current state of health.

Piotr (Anonymous, 88.156.77.) 2 years ago

Thanks. I have one more question, because the doctor did not tell me at all that I should stop gradually :( I took in the smallest dose, and the tablet can not be cut in half - so how do I reduce the dose? And one more thing: I stopped taking Dulsevia about 12 days ago. Should I still take every day or not? ps. doctor again on vacation, so I will not ask him, but I think I will change the doctor, because he did not tell me how to stop, only ordered to stop

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