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Karolina  (Anonymous, 46.204.100.) Warszawa 2 years ago

What determines whether Elicea will gain weight after the drug?

Hello, What determines whether after the drug you will gain weight? What causes this to happen? I struggled with overweight for a very long time and I would not like to waste hard work taking a pill.

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

If you ask about Elicea, it contains escitalopram, which can both stimulate appetite (appetite) and weaken it. Whether an adverse reaction occurs and how it will be aggravated is a very individual matter. Side effects do not have to occur, but they can. Tablets, however, do not cause spontaneous weight gain - it is mainly about mechanisms that stimulate appetite. Treatment of depression, anxiety or other ailments is also important in the context of weight, if you have had problems with it in the past. Of course, a lot depends on what their exact cause was, but the lack of treatment can sometimes be a greater factor conducive to excessive kilograms than the possibility of side effects of tablets.

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