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Kropka (Anonymous, 31.0.39.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Will DIH max completely eliminate varicose veins?

Witam.Mam43 years old and performs all the time standing work. For some time now, a spot has been appearing and disappearing on the lydka – the family doctor stated that this is the beginning of the disease. He told me.that I should buy dih. I got dih max -will it completely eliminate this varicose vein.? I warn you that this is the left leg where I had an injury to the crushing of the copier's finger, knee injury where I had the skin torn out to the "apple" and in addition sciatica?greetings

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Diosmin, which is the main component of the drug DIH, is a phlebotonic drug known for 30 years and is considered a vascular preservative used to treat chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins. Diosmin also has anti-inflammatory properties, scavenging free radicals and has an antimutagenic effect – it counteracts cancer. It is not a drug that will "completely eliminate varicose veins". Lasting effects are given only by surgical procedures or laser closure of varicose veins. I also encourage you to read the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/leki-na-zylaki

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