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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

marcin22 (Anonymous, 185.17.26.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Has anyone taken Viamen pills? You will describe whether the tablets have d...

Has anyone taken Viamen pills? Can you describe whether the tablets have an effect similar to those with sildenafil? Are they weaker? This is very important to me.

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Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

2 years ago

All products containing sildenafil have drug status and are used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. Viamen is a dietary supplement containing an extract of Tribulus Terrestris. The results of research on the effect of this extract on sexual function in men are inconclusive. Some of them have shown that taking 800 mg of traganka extract per day does not bring sufficient improvement in erection. Other studies have shown a significant improvement in erection and sexual satisfaction when taking the extract at a dose of 1500 mg per day. You can read more about erectile dysfunction in the text: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-potencje

Wiktor (Anonymous, 185.97.16.) 3 days ago

No side effects like with viagra, at the same time real action. So in my opinion, the agent is much better than viagra. In general, everything is natural, unforced It is obvious that sexual stimulation must be there because it will not be able to do it on its own. But so far it is the best remedy of this type I have taken.

nadnan (Anonymous, 194.187.144.) 11 months ago

I bought and am satisfied with the action of the tablets. I am currently in the process of taking tablets from the second package and to be honest the effect is much better than with the first package. I sometimes feel like a hormone-laden 18-year-old On the plus side, the desire for sex and the ability to have an erection.

ahss (Anonymous, 85.128.103.) 11 months ago

With me it held for a long time after the end of the taking. I would add,however,that I took almost half a year so knows c I do not know whether the disease just passed by itself or it was also the effect of taking pills. From myself I will add that when it comes to on it is not,that once it takes and once not. If you want there to be action, you have to take it regularly. Because otherwise there will be no effect. Many people probably complain that they did not see the effect but really took in checkered. One day they took, the next day they did not.

nowizno (Anonymous, 185.97.16.) 11 months ago

Gentlemen, and how is it with the effect? Does it persist after taking the pills or do you have to return to them later? Isn't it that a person becomes addicted?

ozman (Anonymous, 5.133.9.) 16 months ago

Yes, this is the measure. Whose do I know if they are expensive? The whole treatment is 2 stówki a month, then you can review one tablet a day so it comes out you will ksoztło 100 zł. That is not much less than one tablet of Viagra. Literally one tablet. Equally good eyou can order tablets for 20 zł from allegro. It's just that do not expect any action

namir (Anonymous, 178.255.44.) 16 months ago

Is that what you mean? intymnosc.pl /pl/powiekszanie-penisa/1655-penis-complete-60-tab-najmocniejszy-srodek.html Cheap is unfortunately not.

Ozman (Anonymous, 212.91.26.) 16 months ago

I recommend Penis complete. One tablet a day, the agent increases the amount of blood flowing to the penis so wi ęc penis becomes much more pobudlity By the way, it still slightly enlarges it, although it is the effect on erection that is the main one.

Orlowvky (Anonymous, 213.189.52.) 16 months ago

I have used viamen tablets and they are actually worth interest when it comes to action. However, I would like something that will give a permanent effect And not so,that I will take a pill and everything returns to normal.

Makna (Anonymous, 185.17.26.) 16 months ago

No. As I wrote earlier. The doctor suggested to her husband that he try the pills without a prescription. on we ordered online. The husband was so ashamed of the problem that he did not even want to go to the pharmacy for pills.

mirdi (Anonymous, 194.187.144.) 16 months ago

So they weren't prescription pills?

Makna (Anonymous, 193.33.110.) 16 months ago

As far as I know, no. The doctor told the husband that it makes no sense to take sildenafil at the beginning because it is already a serious remedy and has side effects (the husband has problems with pressure and in such cases with sildenafil you have to be careful). It is a natural remedy, it has l arginine in it. Fortunately, my husband helped so much that he did not have to reach for viagra.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

17 months ago

DO @Mirdi: Viamen does not contain sildenafil. Viamen is a dietary supplement containing an extract of terrestrial astragalus (Tribulus Terrestris).

mirdi (Anonymous, 5.133.15.) 17 months ago

Do these tablets contain sildenafil?

makna (Anonymous, 185.97.16.) 17 months ago

My husband is currently taking Viamen tablets. He was advised by a urologist to whom he went with the problem. A bit late because he had been having problems for years. However, he went as they really intensified (I forced him to do it a little myself). And what turned out? Well, with each subsequent tablet is better and erection problems disappeared.

maracz (Anonymous, 46.29.20.) 18 months ago

From herbal remedies such as Viamen there is hardly an option to become addicted. However, from drugs such as sildenafil, viagra (these are generics) already so. So they should not be abused. However, Viamen itself has a good composition, if it works well. Let the husband take (it is better to take this type of herbal medicines than to stuff yourself with drugs that are introduced as herbal ones stop working).

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

19 months ago

To @odes: Available erection drugs do not have an addictive effect.

odes (Anonymous, 185.97.16.) 19 months ago

And is it possible to become addicted to erection pills?

miks (Anonymous, 178.255.42.) 19 months ago

The penis does not fall so quickly after ejaculation. You have to wait a bit until it settles. Although as after a few hours you still keep the action of the tablet is not bad. Maybe you should use in this case not the whole tablet, but, for example, half?

wektor (Anonymous, 77.79.250.) 19 months ago

Gentlemen I am currently taking Viamen. And I'm actually happy with the action. Which is even stronger than I expected. The point is that the penis sometimes stands even after sex and after ejaculation and the erection lasts for many hours. Is this normal?

hartbit (Anonymous, 37.28.157.) 1 year ago

that is, you can say that more or less the same price range in a large simplification

ordi (Anonymous, 5.133.15.) 1 year ago

Viamen costs just like a power man. They even have similar lineups.

hartbit (Anonymous, 185.11.129.) 1 year ago

And how does it shape up in terms of price and composition?

Marek (Anonymous, 109.197.185.) 1 year ago

These pills do not work, it's a fake. A waste of money and time.

coser (Anonymous, 212.91.26.) 2 years ago

Well, there on the leaflet you have everything described. If it works, I guess it's good - no?

road (Anonymous, 85.194.241.) 2 years ago

Well, it had a strong effect on you. I do not know how it is in others but in my erection improves a few hours after taking the tablet. Maybe reduce the dose to a smaller one? Do not take the whole tablet but half a tablet? Because the fact that you so much after the tablets is a little normal, but it is not.

Noktowizor (Anonymous, 185.36.169.) 2 years ago

Gentlemen and it is normal that I took a pill and the penis stood all night? Normally, in the morning I was still standing after Viamen and I was afraid that it was harmful but fortunately then it fell.

road (Anonymous, 45.90.59.) 2 years ago

I think you can give it a try. The price is not prohibitive, and the composition shows that it can work. Wiagra or there sildenafil is in my opinion a last resort. It is worth testing something based on l-arginine (I suggest reading on this topic) which is also effective in the treatment of this type of ailment.

takaro (Anonymous, 46.17.63.) 2 years ago

I bought them recently and I am generally satisfied. I thought that such tablets are one big marketing gimmick but the action is. But I do not know what is the comparison to tablets with sildenafil because I did not take Viagra and for now I do not intend to take it.

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