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Trez (Anonymous, 188.146.33.) Warszawa 2 years ago

After what time after the end of using Acnelec cream can you try to have a baby?

After what time after the end of using Acnelec cream can you try to have a baby?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Ania: the patient asked about the risks of pregnancy, not about skin hypersensitivity. In addition, she asked about the cream, not the oral product. However, if you want to refer specifically to Izotek, there is no need to "suspect" anything, because the information I provided in the original entry comes directly from the documentation of the entity responsible for this medicine and it reads as follows: "The patient must not become pregnant for a month after the end of treatment, because the drug may still be present in the patient's body". You will find it on page 2 of the Izotek leaflet, which I attach below: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/38760/izotek-10-mg-kapsulki/ulotka/17956 I am also pasting a more comprehensive section about contraception before, during and after treatment with Izotek with the appropriate fragment marked. In addition, the documentation on the persistence of the isotretinoin molecule in the body contains the following information: "If a woman becomes pregnant after treatment, there is a high risk of severe and serious fetal malformations. This risk persists until the product is completely eliminated, i.e. up to one month after the end of treatment." Hypersensitivity of your skin for more than half a year after the end of the treatment did not result from the presence of a drug molecule in the body and there is no correlation with the potential damaging effect on the fetus. Of course, the decision to get pregnant should be made preferably in a conscious way and after proper preparation - a dermatologist or gynecologist can advise the patient a longer interval from isotretinoin withdrawal before she starts trying for a child.

Ania (Anonymous, 217.96.223.) 2 years ago

*more than half a year

Ania (Anonymous, 217.96.223.) 2 years ago

I DO NOT AGREE WITH THE STATEMENT BELOW: "oral drugs containing retinoids that pose a very high risk is generally at least one month." IT IS MUCH LONGER THAN 1 MONTH, after taking the isotek for half a year my skin was hypersensitive. I suspect that the teratogenic risk is similar since the substance is still in the body

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

After topical application, adapalen (the active ingredient in Acnelec) is not absorbed through the skin in significant quantities. However, Acnelec cream is contraindicated for use in pregnant women and in women planning to become pregnant. This is due to the known teratogenic (fetus-damaging) effect of retinoids taken orally. The withdrawal period (interval) after the end of treatment with the cream is not given. For oral retinoid-containing drugs that pose a very high risk, this is generally at least one month. I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/ciaza

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