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Paweł (Anonymous, 212.160.202.) Rudnik nad Sanem 2 years ago

Will I receive an EU certificate after the antigen test, which I do free of charge in a pharmacy?

After doing this test in a pharmacy, do I receive an EU COVID Certificate for 48 hours?

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Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

2 years ago

To @Podróżujący: Yes, at the moment the result of an antigen test performed in a pharmacy allows you to obtain an EU covid certificate valid for 48 hours. In practice, the certificate is visible on the Patient's Online Account with a delay of approx. 2 hours in relation to the appearance of the test result itself.

Podróżujący (Anonymous, 79.187.166.) 2 years ago

So when you fly abroad, you can take a test in a pharmacy, which costs PLN 50 and receive an EU certificate, which will be valid for 48 hours :) You do not need to perform the test in the laboratory for PLN 150 :) while the PCR test should be performed at the moment when you suspect Covid infection, because then we will receive a certificate of recovery valid throughout the EU.

Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

2 years ago

For @Podróżujący: Currently, it is not possible to perform an antigen test at the pharmacy free of charge. Some pharmacies perform commercial antigen tests, for which the pharmacy charges a fee. The pharmacist enters the result of such a test into the system and a certificate valid for 48 hours is generated. However, it is worth being aware that people who have obtained a positive result of the antigen test, regardless of the place of its execution, receive only a national certificate of recovery valid for 180 days. Patients wishing to receive an EU covid certificate must have a positive PCR test.

Podróżujący (Anonymous, 79.187.166.) 2 years ago

but they perform the same tests only paid, the type of test has not changed because why will they not be recognized?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

As of April 1, 2022, the rules for testing for COVID-19 have changed. The pharmacist no longer performs free antigen tests at the pharmacy. To perform an antigen test and receive an EU certificate, you must report to a private swab point, e.g. at a diagnostic laboratory. The cost of such a test with translation is about 100-150 PLN.

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