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luke (Anonymous, 46.204.100.) Polska 2 years ago

Does the pharmacist have the right to pour medical marijuana from the original packaging into the pharmacy?

does the pharmacist have the right to pour the drug from the original packaging into the pharmacy? I mean aurora 20 or medical marijuana ... I have a prescription for 10g and during the purchase pharmacist despite my protest always pours, I do not know why ... is it legal... what can I do with it?

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To use the herbs, you need a vaporizer:

Certified and affordable. This is a medical device. Use it as instructed.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The pharmacist's conduct is the most appropriate in this case and for several reasons: First of all, before giving the dried product to the patient, it is very important to control the quality of the dried fruit. This is an element of the pharmacy's protection against a possible patient complaint. In accordance with the Pharmaceutical Law, a product purchased in a pharmacy may be subject to return in the event of a quality defect, improper release or falsification of a medicinal product. Secondly, the product, which is medical marijuana, has the registration of a pharmaceutical raw material, which obliges to deal with it as a prescription drug. This means that in addition to the valuation as a prescription drug, it should also be entered in the book of records of medicines prepared in the pharmacy and we complete all the required data as in the case of other prescription drugs. The Pharmaceutical Inspectorate also requires the handling of medical marijuana, as well as pharmaceutical raw material, i.e. pouring it into recipe packaging.

K2 WW (Anonymous, 5.173.12.) 3 months ago

I was in the pharmacy recently, they also poured Gorilla Glue from these black bags into the pharmacy packaging, but no one charged me a penny for this package. I paid 210 PLN for 5 grams of Gorilla on sale.

STefan (Anonymous, 89.234.242.) 3 months ago

Well, that's an interesting thing. Dried herbs cost 245 PLN/5g, and the lady in the pharmacy tells me that 330 PLN is due, because 85 PLN costs to "transfer" from container to container for 4 PLN... Cosmos...

PrawoFarmaceutyczne (Anonymous, 87.204.53.) 13 months ago

Repacking is an individual interpretation of the provisions of the pharmaceutical law, there is no requirement for repackaging, because it is not specifically specified that MM is to be repacked, but it is subject to the pharmacy recipe and this should be packed in a special container. So until the law is regulated, pharmacies have a free American woman to pour and add plastic bags ... But what is surprising, we live in Poland, so Polish regulations :)

mgr  (Anonymous, 83.5.243.) 13 months ago

... But here is full of "specialists" in pharmaceutical law. I suggest you write an official inquiry to pharmaceutical supervision and you will have black and white how to proceed in the pharmacy with MM greetings

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 13 months ago

@nom) - everyone can weigh the packaging with dried at the window their own weight - the package (empty) weighs 12g adding dried 15g it gives us 27g (mo is called higher mathematics hah) and about as much should be on the scale, as it is grossly less is a sign that there is something not halo ;) PS. as someone has an unpacked s-lab let it weigh the whole and then check whether it is 15g, as so, please specify how much it weighed exactly with the packaging, because the packages are the same and weigh the same as 0.5g (and even with greater accuracy).

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 13 months ago

@nom) - after all, on such a line, after packing the box is weighed very accurately (the weight of the packaging before and after packing), various camera sensors, etc. beforehand, it is not a line with wafers;)

nom) (Anonymous, 62.122.118.) 13 months ago

@Wito seriously? Sounds unbelievable xD

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 13 months ago

People only DR MAX from chain stores - normal prices, not theft as in other chain stores ;), or some local family pharmacies ;)

Wito (Anonymous, 31.42.3.) 13 months ago

This now I will surprise everyone, yesterday I filled the prescription for 15 g of slab, I got in a sealed package, and at home after opening I saw a small amount, weighed and every 5.3g instead of 15 ... I'd rather have it weighed by the pharmacist than something like that. The manufacturer only replied that the pharmacist is responsible for this, and their packaging is AUTOMATED ...

Maciek (Anonymous, 46.151.136.) 15 months ago

And tell me what you will do if, for example, the product from slab is in a 15g package, and you have a prescription for 10g and one pharmacy within a radius of 200km? For example, Gemini which is able to pour you the 10.. Will you take or not? I take because I have no choice and I'm very happy that there is an option to scatter!

kiloTrawyW3lata (Anonymous, 89.79.117.) 16 months ago

And here Adik is the problem. Because if you have dried fruit in the original packaging with proof of purchase and prescription, the police have no right to take anything tobei. And if they take it away, they put you in danger - Article 160 of the Penal Code.

Adik (Anonymous, 94.254.176.) 16 months ago

I would not buy anything in such a pharmacy. On the packaging it says to store in the original packaging. Once I had a police check when I was returning by car from the pharmacy and the policeman said that if I had an open drought they would have to take it to me for examination and since I have originally packed it do not take. Besides, if I pay a lot of money, the more I want to have the original packaging and I do not want someone to push my fingers in the drought for which I pay PLN 580 per 10g.

Paniania (Anonymous, 83.8.154.) 16 months ago

I have the impression that the most noise is made by people who probably want to continue to dust this marijuana. Because a normal person, if he needs a drug to take it and do not pierli farmazonów as what some . How funny to me that it hurts you so much ... And nothing to you after that ,that is the law and it is the duty of the pharmacist ,to dare and those pharmacies that go to the easy way should be checked. I recommend educating all cunning people who know better than a pharmacist.

Dżejkob (Anonymous, 91.236.84.) 18 months ago

SHOULD NOT pour dried herbs from the package, because the appropriate closure guarantees the medicine the best quality and no mold, what safety and quality gives me pouring fingers of the medicine from the original packaging? This check is carried out at the establishments and during breeding at the early stages, not the ready-to-eat packaged product.

Response removed because: contains inappropriate language.

Zielarz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 19 months ago

There is a free market - I do not like this pharmacy, I go to another ;) The price is too high, I go even 100km further to buy a cheaper one, and let them worry later what to do when it becomes ;) The pharmacist pours into the replacement packaging - I do the same ;) The customer decides what kind of service he wants, etc. I recommend pharmacies Dr. Max ;) Cheap, without grimaces and everything in symbiosis with the customer, because some forget "the customer is our master" (fortunately, they did not carry out a reform with family pharmacies - that is, one pharmacy within a radius of 10km)

patk (Anonymous, 91.211.100.) 19 months ago

@Harry re-read the recommendations you refer to. There is no question of not opening the package... It is written to release in the original packaging, but AFTER OPENING IT and quality control of the dried herb! Medical marijuana is not a medicinal product, but a recipe raw material, and the pharmacist is obliged to treat the recipe raw material as a recipe raw material, period.

Harry (Anonymous, 5.173.25.) 19 months ago

In addition, I found recommendations "medical-marijuana-in-pharmacy-theory-and-practice" from the e-dtp.pl and there is a RECOMMENDED NOT TO UNPACK the original packaging, because each opening and airing of the dried product causes a loss of its quality. And be wise here.... before the damage occurs... Pole.

Kuba (Anonymous, 5.173.105.) 19 months ago

I would not buy in such a pharmacy anymore because then the problem during the police control. Once I had a check and I had that I dried myself straight from the pharmacy and said the policeman that it is good that I have a factory closed because otherwise to the examination I would wzieli

Harry (Anonymous, 5.173.25.) 19 months ago

So I have to understand that from the moment the factory packaging is opened, the pharmacist is responsible for the quality of the raw material? Because if not, why does he do it? Police officers and judges also have "bad days", not to mention other professional groups. Anyone can make a mistake, even a pharmacist. So if the drug "makes", then on the pharmacy packaging should probably also put his batch number and be responsible as for his product. Is the manufacturer/importer still responsible for the product? Because if so, then the pharmacy packaging should contain all the content from the factory packaging. Or do I lose the right to complain after going through the pharmacist? If, on this occasion, at least the sample was secured in the event of complaints to be collected and consumed in the absence of quality complaints - this would have a greater justification. Otherwise, it is just littering the world with more unnecessary plastics. After all, the product can be opened for the patient next to the patient, weighed and given in the original packaging, so that the procedures become too much. What if when buying I check the product in the pharmacy and it turns out that there are a lot of ordinary leaves, not flowers, let's say 10%? I would prefer to avoid such a situation. If the product is repackaged by a pharmacist, can I at least demand that the contents of the package be shown to me before the transaction is made? What if it turns out that the product has broken down in the pharmacy, e.g. during hot weather there was no electricity and the product overheated and moldy? Is the pharmacist obliged to even examine the drug for the presence of fusarium or other fungi? It would be good if he did. The product may have broken down even before it reached the pharmacy. Please understand patients that they have concerns about various issues, and the violation of the factory packaging for many stings with logic - hence so many questions and doubts in this topic. Thank you in advance for patiently providing substantive answers. Nevertheless, it is worth making sure that patients feel well-groomed than they would otherwise flee the country, e.g. to neighbors in pursuit of normality, or worse, expose themselves using a poor quality drug from an unknown source. Therefore, flooding us with references to laws would actually be appropriate and I am surprised that this thread is not yet a kind of compendium.

KUBA (Anonymous, 89.64.62.) 19 months ago

Maybe I'll speak :) My doctor sensitized me to such practices and instructed me that in the event that the pharmacist would like to pour the dried food into a different container than the original one, I have to thank you nicely and look for another pharmacy because in the case of inspections (such sometimes happen - I am talking about the control of police officers) it is very difficult to prove that it was not a combination myself. The fact is, however, that I personally have not encountered such a practice and always in the pharmacy I was issued the original sealed packaging. I used various pharmacies (Superpharm, Słoneczna)

Maciej P. (Anonymous, 46.204.104.) 19 months ago

@Pigularz Show teddy bear is the law from which the duty you write about supposedly arises. Either you show the specific article and its content to which you refer, or you do not pitol.

Pigularz (Anonymous, 176.58.18.) 19 months ago

@arte "I suggest next time to enter the pharmacy with a hidden camera and your own weight (0.1g) for PLN 50 and weigh the contents when dispensing dried fruit." Only that pharmacy scales cost PLN 500 upwards and are legalized on an ongoing basis, so teddy bear with such a weight you dare the ingredients for the dough.

Pigularz (Anonymous, 176.58.18.) 19 months ago

He does not even have a right, but an obligation.

Wata  (Anonymous, 89.66.125.) 1 year ago

They pointlessly put their fingers in and Gemini pushes an additional container for 9zl to every 10g. After ch me this container as 10g I have in the original packaging? Wala after the whole.

porażkaTotalna (Anonymous, 89.76.77.) 2 years ago

@arte I suggest next time to enter the pharmacy with a hidden camera and your own weight (0.1g) for PLN 50 and weigh the contents when dispensing dried fruit. Dry stuffing? It would make sense if the pharmacist had a container for separating doses, e.g. 0.25g each. And so the pharmacist has an original container and can pour his own dried ...

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

At the outset, I would like to point out that pharmacists are a professional group with high professional ethics. These people are characterized by a focus on the patient's well-being, great empathy, diligence and adherence to values. It is also a profession repeatedly listed at the forefront of professions enjoying social trust. And the Code of Ethics of Pharmacists of the Republic of Poland requires compliance with the principles of general human ethics, human rights, caring for the dignity of the profession, care for the patient and respect developed by generations. Cases of deliberate "putting under the table" are extremely rare. I would like to note that if the raw material purchased by you was poured into another container, it was also weighed, and the pharmacist also visually checked the quality of the dried fruit. These "foreign hands" of the pharmacist, about which you write, are aimed at guaranteeing you both the appropriate weight and the appropriate quality of the purchased dried fruit. This is what the Pharmaceutical Inspectorate means by ordering the handling of medical marijuana, as well as pharmaceutical raw materials. As for your reservations regarding the weight of medical marijuana, of course you can file a complaint at the pharmacy. Please note, however, that pharmacy scales are characterized by high sensitivity (up to 0.001g). It is difficult to compare this with a standard kitchen scale. In addition, pharmacy scales undergo a legalization process regularly every 2 years. I hope that I have been able to dispel your doubts. It is also worth contacting the pharmacy staff directly. They will probably be happy to explain how the process of stuffing dried fruit works.

Arte (Anonymous, 93.190.37.) 2 years ago

Mrs. Anna, in a situation where my medicine is poured into another container, do I have the right to demand its weighing? Of course, in my presence. I have no certainty that the pharmacist will not put something under the table. What am I entitled to in such a situation? I would like to buy pre-packed 10g. Because then I am sure that there is so much there. This is confirmed by the original label. However, when my medicine passes through (after all) foreign hands. Today I weighed the freshly purchased drug, which I received at the pharmacy. I am aware that my weight leaves much to be desired, but the difference was large. Too big, to my disadvantage. Almost 10% was missing. What should I do next time? Prevail the drug in the pharmacy?

Zetipe (Anonymous, 164.127.243.) 2 years ago

Hello. I agree that this is nonsense and you did not answer specifically and even confirmed the pharmacist's hyperforility. The worst thing that I noticed such a strange ailment is done by people in these pharmacies where the awareness of medical marijuana is on the principle of something helps supposedly, something heals ... Dear pharmacists without offense, especially to those who really believe in any sense of pouring, more than one patient in Poland could give you training about these plants. As the gif wakes up and zacmiesiac 2 , 3 recognizes the senselessness of opening and pouring dried that was packed in protective conditions I hope that you will hit your chest and apologize for the senseless action that harms. And the complaint of dried fruit in Poland is a fiction. Finally, you will receive a confirmation of compliance from the manufacturer, it is after all +-:because it is a plant so I would like to see your pharmacist filing a complaint about dried fruit. I know what I'm writing because I've been reworking it. Regulations create and interpret people so it's a shame to really admit because often these pharmacists also notice the pointlessness of pouring but the manager told :) Isn't it?

Maciej P. (Anonymous, 82.180.151.) 2 years ago

And silence. Therefore, I recognize that there are no regulations that would supposedly oblige pharmacists to pour dried fruit. Due to the fact that during this process the quality of the raw material is degraded, this action can be considered even incompatible with the art of pharmacy. It is a pity that such practices are recommended on such portals.

Maciej P.

2 years ago

Mrs. Anna, I took the liberty of analyzing the sources you have presented. Unfortunately, I did not find in them an answer to my request to explain where you conclude that (quote): "The Pharmaceutical Inspection requires [...] pouring it into recipe packaging". In the event of an erroneous reasoning or my oversight, please point out the errors and explain them. 1) Regulation of the Minister of Health of 12 October 2018 on the requirements and dispensing of medicinal products, foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses and medical devices from the pharmacy: §5, section 1 – "[...] where possible, visually check that the medicinal product, foodstuff for particular nutritional uses or medical device does not exhibit characteristics indicating that it has falsified or of improper quality ... In terms of possible quality control, we are talking about foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses and medical devices. Not about medicinal products. Directly in this regulation, I do not see any more specific regulations regarding MM in the form of a prescription drug, which we are discussing in this thread. 2) Art. 96 sec. 9 of the Act of 6 September 2001 – Pharmaceutical Law (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2211, as subsequently amended 2.) Directly in this regulation, I do not see any more specific regulations regarding MM in the form of a prescription drug, which we are discussing in this thread. In the legal acts cited by you, there is no information that (again quoted): "Also the Pharmaceutical Inspection requires the handling of medical marijuana, as with pharmaceutical raw material, i.e. pouring it into recipe packaging." Again, I ask you to indicate any laws / regulations / guidelines / official recommendations, according to which your statement about the need to "pour it into recipe packaging" can be considered true. According to my best knowledge, the factory packaging is enough to cover with the appropriate sticker / card. All the more so due to the fact that the factory packaging is sealed, and its unconstraining and pouring this raw material will always result in a significant deterioration of its quality. I am not a pharmacy specialist and I do not have any education in this field. Nevertheless, I am trying hard and unsuccessfully to find official guidelines to cover the theses that patients treating MM have to deal with on a daily basis. In my opinion, these statements are untrue and are not supported by legal regulations / official guidelines.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The legal basis for the prescription for a prescription for a prescription drug is the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 12 October 2018 on the requirements and dispensing of medicinal products, foodstuffs for special nutritional purposes and medical devices from the pharmacy and article 96 paragraph 9 of the Act of 6 September 2001 – Pharmaceutical Law (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2211, as subsequently amended 2). In accordance with §4.1. The prescription drug is made on the basis of a prescription. The person preparing the prescription drug uses: pharmaceutical raw material approved for marketing on the terms set out in the Act of 6 September 2001 – Pharmaceutical Law. The list of pharmaceutical raw materials can be found in the medical registers on the website of the Ministry of Health.

Maciej P.

2 years ago

Ms. Anna, can you indicate the content of the laws / regulations / guidelines from which it would appear (quote): "Pharmaceutical Inspection requires the handling of medical marijuana, as with pharmaceutical raw material, i.e. pouring it into recipe packaging."

JoeL (Anonymous, 89.64.49.) 2 years ago

I have encountered a similar practice. The guest told me to come back in half an hour because he has to weigh ... To my question for what purpose he wants to dare it since the packaging is written as much as on the prescription, I heard that he must make sure because HE is responsible for the fact that the quantity agrees. I told you that for the amount to match in the closed package, the manufacturer is responsible and not ON and if he does not want to give me sealed packaging, I thank you very much and leave. Of course, I didn't buy anything there. I know that I will not go back there again because somehow it just stinks to me. I suppose that the clever pharmacist wraps for himself the surplus of dried because in the package is always with a margin. If I were you, I would just change the pharmacy

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