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xkada (Anonymous, 91.201.122.) Warszawa 2 years ago

What is the difference between Glucophage XR, Siofor XR and Metformax XR?

Glucophage xr, metformax xr, siofor xr - the first question is whether these drugs differ in anything if you take the same dose? What time should I take the tablets? I read that it is recommended once for an evening meal, once for breakfast or 30 minutes after it. I have to take a dose of 1 500 mg glucophage xr and the doctor unfortunately did not say how to take it so I am looking for answers.

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Anna Pochopień Pharmacist

2 years ago

No, these drugs do not differ in their effects if we assume that you are taking the same dose. They are each other's counterparts. This means that if they occur in the same dose, e.g. Metformax XR 1000, Siofor XR 1000 and Glucophage XR 1000, their effect on the body will be the same. Other names are due to the fact that they are produced by other pharmaceutical companies, while each of these drugs contains 1000 mg of prolonged-release metformin. Due to the fact that the abbreviation "XR" in the name of the drug means that it has a special form of prolonged release of the drug, it is recommended to take it in the evening. Do I understand correctly that the doctor wrote you a prescription for two doses: 1000 and 500 mg of Glucophage XR? If so, take 2 tablets in the evening: 1000 mg Of Glucophage XR and 500 mg of Glucophage XR. Tablets of the "XR" type cannot be divided in half, so to take 1500 mg at a time you will need to buy two different doses. Below I attach links to useful materials: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czym-sa-zamienniki-lekow A short video about when you can share tablets:

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