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Kasia (Anonymous, 176.241.79.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Does Euthyrox cause an increase in blood glucose?

Hello, please let me know if eutyrox causes an increase in glucose in the blood? I mention that he does not suffer from diabetes, and after taking the drug, glucose is 110, and before 99. Does it affect glucose testing? Best regards

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

The concentration of glucose in the blood changes in our body even when we do not eat anything and do not move. The ISO standard, which should be met by glucose meters, assumes that in the case of blood glucose concentration below 100 mg / dl (Mrs. 1 result) on the meter can appear both 85 mg / dl and 115 mg / dl (+/ - 15 mg / dl). Such changes in sugar levels may appear, as I have already mentioned, simply from a measurement error (you can check what measurement error your meter has) and, for example, due to the natural release of hormones in the morning, which takes place in every person. In addition, it is also influenced by what you ate the previous day, whether you had physical activity. However, the difference of 10 mg/dl in my opinion is not a significant difference. Hypothyroidism often goes hand in hand with, for example, diabetes, PCOS. It is worth making sure that you actually have a problem with carbohydrate metabolism, because results above 100 mg / dl may already indicate prediabetes. I do not know anything about your eating habits, physical activity, so it is difficult for me to suggest something specific. If on an empty stomach there are results of 100 mg / dl or more, it is worth either going to a clinical dietitian and modifying eating habits (and reduce body weight, if necessary) or go to the doctor and, above all, check how it looks in morphology, because the glucometer is not a diagnostic tool. When it comes to bloating or choosing the right dosage, it is worth consulting with your doctor. The drug can cause bloating, but it does not have to.

Zainteresowana  (Anonymous, 79.185.171.) 6 months ago

The same problem after taking letrox glucose +20 I take half a year 25 . I measured my glucose much earlier before taking the drug and it never happened, I don't have diabetes yet!!! I don't know how it will be later after this product, but I've noticed that I'm gaining weight because this raised glucose turns into fat

Assa (Anonymous, 188.47.123.) 10 months ago

Hello, I've noticed the same tendency in myself. After taking Euthyrox in the morning (on an empty stomach, of course), my blood sugar can jump by 20 units in 5 minutes. And then it starts to fall again. I use a skin sensor (without giving a name - you know what I mean) and I see this tendency every day. Can the lactose in Euthurox give such a sugar spike?

Ekzuzy (Anonymous, 46.205.208.) 1 year ago

I have diabetes. I use a round-the-clock glucose monitoring system and I noticed that after taking Letrox in the morning, my blood sugar level rises much faster than before. The morning increases themselves are not unusual, but after taking Letrox, this increase is definitely much faster than before.

Kasia (Anonymous, 176.241.79.) 2 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply. I am not an obese person. I am 169cm tall and 60kg in weight. I try to jog at least two or three times a week (about 4-5km, during one workout). I do not eat fast food, only dairy fish, bread with a low glycamic index, vegetables and fruits. I'm just trying to protect myself from another illness because it's too much for me. I noticed that the higher the dose of Euthyrox, the higher my glucose level. I also have lactose intolerance, which I found out after eating yogurt with lactose. Thank you very much again, and best regards.

Kasia (Anonymous, 5.173.137.) 2 years ago

Welcome. I just want to clarify the question, because I actually use a glucometer. I mention that fasting glucose is different for me, e.g. 96,99,102, and after taking the drug eutyrox after 20 minutes 114,111,112 ... I do not move anywhere, I just wait 20 minutes after taking the drug sitting on the couch, and then I do the test. I want to add that the drug causes me bloating. Is this the right reaction of the body? I have been taking Eutyrox for two years and before that it was a dose of 75, after a year reduced to 62.5 because the dose of 75 after some time was the cause of fever, lack of sleep with night sweating, tsh was then 1. Initially, the dose of 75 did not cause me to increase my glucose levels. Now even a dose of 62.5 causes an increase. When I reduce to 50, after a few days glucose comes to normal. I would like to mention that the last studies at an alternating dose of 50 out of 62.5 are tsh- 1.8, ft 4 -18. (Norm 12-22). Thank you in advance for your reply, And best regards.

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

No, it does not significantly affect glucose levels. These types of changes in blood glucose are natural (e.g. it is influenced by hormone activity, eating, drinking, physical activity). In addition, if the measurement was made with a glucometer, and I suspect that it was, then such differences in the measurement are within the limits of the measurement error. I leave a link to a video that may interest you:

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