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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

krzysztof (Anonymous, 195.136.207.) Warszawa 5 years ago

How to check the price of the drug on GdziePoLek?

What is the price of the drug

6 answers, 5 subscribers

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Hesse Paul  (Anonymous, 37.30.26.) 8 months ago

I often buy medicines for me, as well as for my mother, grandmother. And for the grandchildren, I'll put it simply. Prices shown. On the pages. Online and prices in pharmacies vary. Pharmacy chains or private Compared with. The last three years back have increased. Min 250%. And that's the worst. These are often prescription drugs and over-the-counter there are no price restrictions. To rip people off at the highest possible prices. Reimbursement of the drug. I haven't met. Never. Everything is 100% even for 80-year-olds as well as private visits to the doctor at least 500 PLN. People don't have money. On the high price. Often 3 times. Such optimism will not buy when people die. Nor drugs for 250% more expensive, luxury goods even and 500% more expensive, and as for prescription givers. Let every Pole give them half of their salary for doctors. Every 20 more than 20 million people, and still doctors are a fool because they don't earn enough and pharmacies. That for a small profit, e.g. DENTINOX GEL N, the price for 10g. 37 € I bought today. I know by the cost and out of goodwill the pharmacy sold me too cheaply. It's just that people get sick and die and that's another kind of business, it's not cheap

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

To @dorota:

The price of Tardyferon Fol in stationary pharmacies connected with GdziePoLek ranges from PLN 15.99 to PLN 44.49. Not all pharmacies that have this medicine in stock provide publicly available information about its price (if they do, it is displayed above the book button), so we cannot determine which pharmacy has it at the most advantageous price.

To find out the price of the drug, I encourage you to contact the pharmacy of your choice individually: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/77437/tardyferon-fol-tabletki-o-zmodyfikowanym-uwalnianiu/apteki

dorota (Anonymous, 37.248.161.) 9 months ago

Where is the cheapest Tardyferon fol

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

To @adam: The price of Omnadren 250 in stationary pharmacies combined with GdziePoLek ranges from PLN 83.99 to PLN 175.99. Not all pharmacies with this medicine in stock provide publicly available information about its price (if they do, it is displayed above the book button), so we can not determine which pharmacy has it at the most favorable price. To know the price of the drug, I encourage you to contact the selected pharmacy individually: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/56958/omnadren-250-iniekcja/apteki/w-warszawie

adam (Anonymous, 188.146.112.) 14 months ago

Where the cheapest in Warsaw Ochota pile Omnadren 250

Karolina Zygmunt Pharmacist

5 years ago

Bardzo proszę o doprecyzowanie, o który lek chodzi, bym mogła udzielić konkretnej odpowiedzi. Poniżej zamieszczam ogólną informację na temat tego, jak sprawdzić cenę danego produktu na portalu GdziePoLek.

Jeżeli jest to lek refundowany, jego aktualna cena urzędowa będzie widoczna przy wyszukiwaniu dotępności (po prawej stronie pod mapą) lub w zakładce "Refundacja". Preparaty znajdujące się na liście leków refundowanych będą miały taką samą cenę w każdej aptece. Więcej informacji na temat refundacji leków w naszym artykule:

Jeżeli chodzi o leki nierefundowane (oraz inne produkty dostępne w aptekach), których koszt zakupu może różnić się pomiędzy aptekami, orientacyjny zakres cen w skali całego kraju widać przy wyszukiwaniu danego preparatu na naszej stronie. Natomiast informacja o cenie produktu w konkretnej aptece jest widoczna po zalogowaniu się, lecz tylko w przypadku aptek, które nam taką informację udostępniły - jest to indywidualna, dobrowonlna decyzja każdej placówki.

Więcej informacji na temat funkcjonalności naszego poralu: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/blog/w-czym-moze-pomoc-ci-gdziepolek

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
