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zanetka25 (Anonymous, 46.204.82.) Warszawa 2 years ago

If the symptoms of cystitis recur, should I stop furagin and take Monural?

I have recurrent cystitis, 1-2 times a month, I have never taken furagin to the end.. On Friday I felt the symptoms of cystitis again and took furagine, on Saturday it was fine. I was at the consultation with a gynecologist and he prescribed me a Monural sachet, although I no longer feel symptoms of inflammation and from Friday I take urofuraginum according to the dosage. In this situation, should I additionally take Monural even though I do not feel the symptoms of cystitis? Should you stop taking furagin?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @zanetka25: Finishing the furagin will not be a mistake in this case (it will not pose a threat to health, e.g. due to interaction with Monural). However, since Monural is a broad-spectrum drug, it could "settle the case" and cure the infection - the use of furagin may not bring additional effects.

zanetka25 (Anonymous, 46.204.82.) 2 years ago

Thank you for your reply. I took Monural last night. In this situation, should I continue furagine until I finish the pills? The gynecologist did not explain it to me very much, she only mentioned that if I started taking furagine I had to finish it and additionally she just prescribed me Monural.. in this situation I do not know how I should act

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Since the symptoms of cystitis recur despite the use of furagin - it is worth taking the monural drug recommended by the doctor. You should then stop using furagin and use Monural - the preparation is taken once, after emptying the bladder, for the night. About why there is no need to combine Monural with furagin we write in detail here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/19675/furaginum-czy-mozna-laczyc-leki-monural-i-urofuraginum-max

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