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Zosia  (Anonymous, 95.49.241.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How often does an allergic reaction of the face and mouth occur?

Hi I have a question how often there is an allergic reaction of the face and mouth. I had such an epizoo recently and I'm worried about it. Is Ezehron 10mg safe with medications. Polphenol150 and subycor 2.5 mg and with Biotin Duo-Fem

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The occurrence of an allergic reaction is a very individual matter. With such a complex therapy, it is difficult to predict what the body's reaction will be and whether there will be an allergy to any of the ingredients of the means you take. The risk of an allergic reaction is higher in the case of allergy sufferers - that is, in your case, since such an episode has recently taken place. Thus, the chances are 50/50. Combining the drugs Sobycor and Polfenon, you should observe your body in case of bradycardia - a slowdown in the heart rhythm below 60 beats / minute. I attach links to helpful entries: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-alergie https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-bac-sie-dzialan-niepozadanych-lekow

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