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Babuszka  (Anonymous, 89.229.164.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can it hurt if I have been taking Ibuprom every day for two months?

For 2 months I have been taking 1 tablet of Ibuprom per day . Can it harm me?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

It is difficult to answer unequivocally, because you have not explained why you have been taking Ibuprom every day for so long. Indications for the use of Ibuprom are pain of various origins or fever. If for two months there have been such ailments that prompt you to take the drug, it is worrying and should prompt you to visit a doctor urgently. Ibuprom - like any drug - can, but does not have to cause side effects. The likelihood of some of them may increase with the duration of therapy. You have not disclosed what dose of the drug you are taking, 1 tablet may contain a different amount of ibuprofen (from 200 mg to even 600 mg in the case of the "Ultramax" version). However, for each of the doses, warnings and information are described when the drug cannot be used. You will find them in the leaflet. Failure to comply with these recommendations may cause the drug to do more harm than good, and this effect will depend, among other things, on the dose and the time of taking the product. I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-bac-sie-dzialan-niepozadanych-lekow

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