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Zofia (Anonymous, 37.248.158.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Are there antibiotics in the form of syrup, suspension or soluble tablets to make a suspension that can be used in adults?

I would like to know if there are antibiotics in the form of syrup, suspension or soluble tablets for suspension that can be used in adults who have trouble swallowing tablets? If so, please provide their names.

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Zofia (Anonymous, 37.248.153.) 2 years ago

Thank you for the information.

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

The antibiotic is selected by the doctor primarily on the basis of what infection occurs in the patient, and only then on the basis of a smaller or greater possibility of stomach irritation or other aspects. With any antibiotic, there is a greater or lesser risk of side effects such as stomach irritation, dyspepsia, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea. However, some of them are limited, e.g. by introducing probiotic therapy. I did not find an available analysis of all antibiotics that would take into account a criterion such as the effect on the stomach. Much also depends on what health problem, what infection occurs in a given patient. In the case of infection and the need to use an antibiotic for some time, the doctor assesses on the basis of profits and start whether it is better to use a given antibiotic, despite the possibility of stomach irritation or not. These are prescription drugs, so as I mentioned - please inform your doctor about stomach problems. If the patient requires the administration of a specific antibiotic, and can not use it orally, it is also possible to administer it, for example, by intravenous route.

Zofia (Anonymous, 37.248.153.) 2 years ago

Thank you. In fact, I did not mention what antibiotics I mean. I mean antibiotics that will not harm the stomach. It is important that they are in the form of syrup, suspension or tablets to dissolve. I looked through the link left by you, but I can not judge for myself which do not harm the stomach? Could you give names for these antibiotics? Or at least indicate from which group antibiotics will be safe, then I will find the names myself.

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

Yes, there are antibiotics on the market in the form of suspensions or dissolveable tablets and can be used by adults. However, you have not written exactly what antibiotic you are looking for, so it is difficult to mention specific names. These are, for example: Amotaks Dis, Klacid, Zinnat. I leave a link to the category in which we listed all antibiotics - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/antybiotyki those that do not need to be swallowed have the designation "orodispersible tablets", "tablets to make a suspension" or "granules to make a suspension". All such products are available on prescription and should only be used if recommended by a doctor. If you need to use an antibiotic, simply tell your doctor that you will not be able to swallow the tablet and ask them to prescribe an antibiotic in the form of a suspension or or orodispersible tablets. I leave a link to the video in which we show how to properly prepare such a suspension:

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