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Liza (Anonymous, 83.23.66.) Wrocław 2 years ago

Is it possible to combine Euthyrox with medications or supplements for menopause?

What menopausal supplements can euthyrox be combined with? There are supplements based on soy, red clover, but I've heard that you should be careful when taking hormonal drugs. Or is a preparation based on hop cones and flax safer?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

It is true that in people with thyroid disease, soy can hinder the absorption of the drug used for hypothyroidism. A dose of 60 mg isoflavones has been shown not to impair the absorption of levothyroxine. It is therefore safe to use, for example, 2 tablets of Soyfem, which contains 26 mg of isoflavones in one tablet. It is recommended to take Euthyrox half an hour before the first meal, while the interval from the first meal in which soy will be present should be min. 4 hours. Because red clover modifies the liver enzymes responsible for drug metabolism, it may affect the pharmacokinetics of some drugs, including Euthyrox. Therefore, such a combination should be avoided. Preparations based on hop cones and flax seem safe in this case. I cannot find information about clinically relevant interactions between these substances and Euthyrox. Lemon balm-based remedies also seem safe.

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