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Nova (Anonymous, 176.111.21.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Why doesn't Saxenda work?

Hi, has anyone used the drug saxenda and his body did not work properly? I mean the blockage from eating . I am 4 day on this drug and according to people using this drug after the first injection had disgust for food and automatically reduced the nutritional portion. Nothing like this happens with me and the decision about this therapy was the last resort for me. What could be wrong :( Where do I make a mistake if any of you have had such a case ????

37 answers, 2 subscribers

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

We have already written about why Saxenda may not work here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/75725/saxenda-dlaczego-saxenda-na-mnie-nie-dziala I leave a link to a video that may interest you:

Kratochwil (Anonymous, 154.47.19.) 58 days ago

I took Saxenda for 5 months, mostly 3.0, nothing lost and a lot of appetite, even for sweet things. So a (also financial) defeat.

Maxima (Anonymous, 94.254.219.) 2 months ago

I've been taking saxenda for over a month. Starting weight 100.5 kg, current 94 kg. The drug definitely reduces appetite and cravings for sweet products. The beginnings were quite difficult: diarrhea, headaches, nausea. You have to survive this time and it will get better and better (at least in my case it was so). I increased the dose as recommended by the doctor. I started with 0.6 and increased by 0.6 every week until the maximum dose was 3.0.

Izzi (Anonymous, 94.75.120.) 3 months ago

I used it for a month, I got to a dose of 1.8. At first, I was repulsed from eating, I ate out of reason, but I couldn't eat vegetables. After 3 weeks, I started to get allergies at the puncture site and the area itched for several days. In total, I lost 2.5 kg from a weight of 90 kg, I am tall 178cm. A few times I burped a rotten egg, now I know it's after that. A week ago I stopped taking Saxende because the weight stopped and I think I was mentally fed up. Hunger and pain in the intestines that I started to feel the next day indescribable, if I could, I would sit in the plates, and still after eating a portion of dinner after 5 minutes I felt hungry again. Of course, I didn't eat, but it took a hard fight to ignore hunger. I still have pain in my intestines, my weight has dropped to 87. I'll see what about the weight without saxend, I don't know if I'll come back, and the results are good (liver, pancreas) but I feel a balloon on the right side.

Татьяна  (Anonymous, 89.113.154.) 3 months ago

Yes, I also have no effect and the dose has already been raised from 0.6 to 1.2, after 3 days it is still nothing. It's a pity for the money spent

Baby (Anonymous, 151.47.242.) 3 months ago

Hello, I have been taking Saxenda since 15/5/2024.I have not noticed anything about weight loss yet. I took 0.6 mg for 2 weeks, 1.2 for another 2 weeks and now 1.6 mg. Where I get bites on my belly I itch. I still don't feel satiety, nor nausea, nor vomiting, nor weight loss. Weight 77kg x 159 cm.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

To @Moni:

Liraglutide, the active substance in Saxenda, is a medicine used to treat obesity. It can affect various areas of the body, including the liver. Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis were among the side effects.

If you experience liver problems after starting treatment with Saxenda, it is important to consult your doctor immediately. Abnormalities in liver ultrasound results are a serious signal that requires medical attention.

If you do not have the possibility of an in-person visit, I encourage you to take advantage of the teleconsultation:


Moni (Anonymous, 185.188.117.) 9 months ago

I've been using the socket for a month now and I have a big ailment that the liver and stomach side, I had an abdominal ultrasound yesterday and my liver doesn't look good, can this medication affect that?

Michal (Anonymous, 91.36.192.) 11 months ago

For me, saxenda stopped working after 3 months, just like that, I developed a tolerance to this drug. In your case, your body immediately detected that it was something "artificial".

Zadowolona (Anonymous, 80.55.182.) 15 months ago

I have been using Saxenda since May 18, which is 48 days. During this time I lost 7 kg. The first week I took a dose of 0.6, now 1.2, for now I do not increase because I feel that it still works, only during menstruation I felt more hungry. For the first 2 days my head hurt a little, then up to 2 weeks I had a feeling of nausea, especially when the body recognized that I was full. Then there was heartburn, especially after gluten and dairy, which I almost completely stopped at the moment. Now I don't feel any side effects. At first, the weight fell faster, recently it is about 1 kg per week. I use a broken fast 8/16 (11.00-19.00 I eat, I give myself Saxenda around 1 pm) for this exercise practically every day 10 min hula-hoop, 20 min on the bench arms and legs, squats and crunches 3 series of 15, in the future I plan to increase the number of series, in addition, I overcome about 7000 steps a day. As for the diet, once every few days I eat some sweetness, dinners I eat normal potatoes, a piece of meat and salad, fruit and muesli for breakfast. Every day I eat 2 larger (breakfast and dinner) and one small meal (sometimes only the two larger). So far I am satisfied with the results, I practically do not go hungry, despite 16 hours without food during the day. The only thing I can complain about at the moment are rashes appearing in some places of the body, but I have always had allergic problems related to food and appearing hives, so I turn a blind eye to it.

Anonim (Anonymous, 82.42.187.) 17 months ago

Saxsenda is a hoax I after this zadtrzyku even more wants to eat people write bzury that like someone lost weight chyla wasciel company writes the same positive things about this injection to pull people on money,, pity money saxsenda does not work

Anonim (Anonymous, 82.42.187.) 17 months ago

Who writes such nonsense that after two and a half months like someone lost 25kg. After all, you can never lose weight,,,, unless someone writes this nonsense from the company saxsenda, ,,,,,I took this drug and nothing I lost weight also I had a diet selected ,,,,I think it's one total nonsense to only people spend money,,

Anonim (Anonymous, 82.42.187.) 17 months ago

I was on this saxsenda saxsenda nonsense a pity for this money after this injection more I wanted to eat and I did not lose weight at all and very large side effects unless such a zadtrzyk should not be put on sale, the company that produces this zadrrzyki only stretches the money,

Bbaba (Anonymous, 91.239.154.) 17 months ago

Your doctor may include metroformin in your treatment, which in combination with saxsenda gives a better effect of the drug.

Alicja (Anonymous, 31.60.100.) 18 months ago

I had saxende in 2and a half months I lost 25kg and I had ozempix shit I did not lose anything

R.M. (Anonymous, 188.146.201.) 1 year ago

I'm on the lowest dose for a week, almost four kilos down, I don't feel like eating, I'm not lethargic, I'm sick only sometimes. Only that the diet is also laid out on a few kcal but diversely, and I move. Earlier, when I did not eat, I did not have the strength to move, with saxenda I have. For me, a wonderful drug. I'm sorry that on others worse.

Alaala (Anonymous, 46.134.23.) 1 year ago

I take from 4 days. Initial weight 78.5kg, after 4 days 76.7kg almost do not want to eat, I take an injection about 19 o'clock, in the evening I have a slight nausea

Honey (Anonymous, 89.69.80.) 1 year ago

I have similar to the person from 1 comment. I can't eat meat, kabanos and fish. Immediately diarrhea, belching with a rotten egg, nausea, weakness, drowsiness. It's ok only when I eat rolls, bread, biscuits, rice, pasta, and to be honest I'm not a fan of these products. With fruits and vegetables it is OK, but it rejects me from meat and the smells of cooked food. I don't have the strength for anything. In the summer, going out to the garden and transplanting a flower was a feat. After all, 9 kg less for 4.5 months, so I suffer and take this drug intermittently, because sometimes I do not make. Still with 3-4 kg and I put it away, because it is impossible to live ...

Anulka (Anonymous, 83.14.136.) 1 year ago

Hello, after starting the use, at the beginning I felt nausea and sugar jumps (sudden sweats, weakness, drowsiness), over time after increasing the dose began to come problems with digestion, delay in emptying the stomach, belching with a rotten egg and diarrhea, but I was fierce and did not let go of the drug. I eat white bread, potatoes and white rice, because unfortunately my body does not digest anything else and after eating, for example, roasted meat, I have stomach problems for the next 1.5 days. It all depends on the individual organism. Since 27.07.22 I have 18 kg less, I do not feel hungry, but I also can not eat everything, even widely recognized as "healthy and nutritious".

Gregor (Anonymous, 87.61.199.) 1 year ago

This drug does not give anything . I've been taking it for 1.5 months and I'm on a dose of 3.0 more my brain screwed up with something I take and it seems to work than the drug itself. For treatment with this drug already better healthy box food . In my opinion, it should block the appetite so that it is easier to enter the diet than to have a diet for this drug. Since you have to have a diet with sexanda anyway, and without the drug you can also lose weight on the diet itself and counting calories

Wielkie jooo (Anonymous, 213.134.176.) 1 year ago

Remember that it is also a mental illness, so the drug or bariatric surgery does not help, because it is a matter of the psyche. Therefore, in larger weights you also need to go to a psychologist - from nutrition, but good, to take care of and guide us, not to knock on the NFZ

Wielkie jooo (Anonymous, 213.134.176.) 1 year ago

Some do not understand that it HELPS, and not ... IT CLOGS the inlet to the throat, so you can answer yourself. Oh, and besides, there is a dose that every person needs more or less.

Wielkie jooo (Anonymous, 213.134.176.) 1 year ago

So, I started taking Saxende and I find that it works best after serving, that is, in my case because I like to eat and eat, it serves it in the afternoon 15-17 depends, and then it works best because before breakfast or immediately after, and so I wanted to eat because I broke this barrier. Best regards

Alicja (Anonymous, 37.47.94.) 2 years ago

I used ozempic. Nothing pomugl me only saxenda so every organism is different

Alicja (Anonymous, 37.47.94.) 2 years ago

I used ozempic. Nothing pomugl me only saxenda so every organism is different

Alicja (Anonymous, 37.47.94.) 2 years ago

Blagam I vegetables do not enter me let alone fruits but only sour

Alicja (Anonymous, 37.47.94.) 2 years ago

I do not eat bread meat potatoes everything I rejected what is not needed

Alicja (Anonymous, 37.47.94.) 2 years ago

I do not eat bread meat potatoes everything I rejected what is not needed

Alicja (Anonymous, 37.47.94.) 2 years ago

Thank you but I'm moving a walker so I do in the morning 3km walks and in the evening you noticed that I pultora week 3.5kg please tell me what to use the diet

Alicja (Anonymous, 37.47.94.) 2 years ago

I use already 9 day I will say more I lost 3.5kg At the same time I have reactions to the smell of nothing I do not like any dinner I do not enter the flavors of loss what I will eat a little to fly to the toilet I'M ON THE SAME YOGURTS AND NABIALACH PRUBUJE COS EAT PAPKE FOR CHILDREN REJECTS ME THE SMELLS AS MOM COOKS. TAKES ON VOMITING SO I DO NOT KNOW HOW SOMEONE KARZDY BODY IS DIFFERENT BRALAM ONCE OZEMPIC BUT I PREFER SAXENDA

Odchudzam się  (Anonymous, 188.252.69.) 2 years ago

A block from eating is one thing, and the habit of eating is another. First of all, you need to change your diet and introduce movement. Eat fruit only in the first part of the day and preferably in combination with dairy. Eat whole grains, avoid white bread and pasta. The basis of the diet should be vegetables and plenty of water. Avoid juices and rubbed fruits their glycemic index is very high on them fresh fruit. This should help in weight loss, after a month of following these recommendations I lost 4kg.

Mireczka83 (Anonymous, 194.39.199.) 2 years ago

Stupidity is talked about by your friend. I used it and I was fine, only that I didn't lose anything either. I let myself be persuaded to the carbon sauna and finally the kg fly down. Of course, you have to use the original device - this is the case in Poland only in mosati. I was once at a session with a fake and unfortunately I only lost money. Now I have a sauna at home and I use it regularly and I lose weight FINALLY!

Iwka (Anonymous, 87.199.30.) 2 years ago

Remember that from the first injection you have to change your current menu and it is important to eat only for 7 hours and the remaining only liquids.

Iwka (Anonymous, 87.199.30.) 2 years ago

Hi I also have been using this drug for 2 weeks and there are effects. It is only important to eat meals between 11 and 19 o'clock. The remaining hours only water, juices, fruits, kefirs and yogurts. I had a hunger crisis for the first day but I managed to do it today without a problem. I don't feel hungry. And I eat only in these hours as above because the doctor suggested so. It's ok.

Klaudia  (Anonymous, 93.207.204.) 2 years ago

Hello. I take saxende for more than 2 weeks. I am disappointed with this drug because nothing has gone down. Maybe kg. I had a hard time getting this prescription because the doctor did not want to prescribe it to me and here it turns out that this drug is worth nothing. And I have no side effects taking it. 🤷‍♀️🤔🤔

Justyna (Anonymous, 217.96.254.) 2 years ago

Good morning on Ozempik I managed to lose 15 kg and there was a blockade of half a year I did not lose, but I also did not gain weight. The change to saxenda and the terrible surprise is not enough that tyjè this feeling of rejection from eating wptz accident saxendy does not work. I am very disappointed that it was supposed to give a better effect.

Angelina (Anonymous, 83.11.197.) 2 years ago

These injections are a scam harm to the money people lie everyone has different diseases and otherwise it works from the beginning of terrible constipation 2kg for three months appetite as it was so it is now 1kg forward I do not recommend

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