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Sara (Anonymous, 46.134.71.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it normal that the Neoparin injection needle does not want to dig into the fold?

The needle does not want to dig into the fold, I have to change the puncture site. Is this normal? I'm looking for 5cm left or right, skip stretch marks

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

It is difficult to assess this without knowing your current state of health and medical records. If you have been using Neoparin injections for a long time or in the same places there may have been adhesions, which is why there was a problem with puncture into the skin. The answer to a similar question is given here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/68200/fragmin-co-mozna-wziac-na-bolacy-zrost-ktory-powstal-w-wyniku-brania-fragmin According to the Characteristics of the Neoparin Medicinal Product, the needle should be driven deep into the skin fold with a decisive vertical movement. The needle should be inserted into the root of the ampoule (to the very end). Please note that the appropriate place for puncture is 5 cm from the navel in any direction - up, down and diagonally as well. In the future, I encourage you to follow the recommendations describing the correct administration of the drug contained in the leaflet.

lulukas (Anonymous, 176.102.186.) 2 years ago

I have the same thing. On the left side, the needle enters smoothly, painlessly. On the right is the massacre. Driven by force, the tissue resists, the very introduction of the drug is very painful, and after all blood and a big bruise.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid bruises after injections. A bruise may appear at the injection site and it is a natural reaction if the needle hits a blood vessel while making the injection.

Antonina (Anonymous, 37.30.18.) 2 years ago

Why do purple large bruises occur after injecting Neoparin-u?

Mirel (Anonymous, 94.172.65.) 2 years ago

This is not normal. They are terrible. Please buy in a pharmacy or on allegro insulin syringes are included with a needle preferably 13mm - 100pcs less than 40zl KD-JECT III and pour into them ... there are no problems with the injection and no bruises. There is nothing to suffer.

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