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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Davv (Anonymous, 109.173.150.) Warszawa 2 years ago

e-recepta-24.pl has anyone already had contact with the service? they give money...

e-recepta-24.pl Or Recepty24.com has anyone already had contact with the service? they give back money in case of what? Thanks in advance

16 answers, 1 subscriber

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Tyje (Anonymous, 5.173.160.) 4 months ago

Super prescription without any problem

Kardamon (Anonymous, 195.20.138.) 6 months ago

And I also recommend the service Recepta24.Pro. The first time I used it was when I urgently needed a prescription in the middle of the night. The process was simple and quick - it was a real lifesaver. I recommend it to anyone who needs quick access to medication.

Monika1997. (Anonymous, 94.254.236.) 6 months ago

Recepta24.pro the best one, first you enter the name of the drug, fill in the questionnaire, after a positive assessment of the questionnaire, then pay PLN 25 and immediately receive a prescription code

Annika (Anonymous, 195.20.138.) 8 months ago

I used the Recepta24.pro service for the first time when I needed a prescription quickly. I was impressed with how efficient and fast the service is. The e-prescription was ready within 30 minutes and the whole service was very affordable. It's really convenient!

paula (Anonymous, 77.253.227.) 9 months ago

Scammers and con artists, once I couldn't get to my doctor, I have severe back pain.
So I tried it with them. I sent them an MRI and an X-ray, described the ailments in detail, but I didn't get a sick leave. I paid 109 PLN, thieves!!

pusiak36 (Anonymous, 31.61.170.) 10 months ago

I used it once, I needed a sick leave and I got it without any problems even though I didn't answer the call because I have unknown numbers blocked. The doctor gave me an l4 as I needed. Polam

Ola  (Anonymous, 46.77.167.) 14 months ago

I was deceived, refused to issue a sick leave despite providing all medical documentation, including discharge from the hospital. They refused because of the wrong dates from when to when I want to be released. The system should inform you that the dates are incorrect and should not allow the form to be sent. They gave the money after multiple reminders but after deducting 19 zł. I do not agree with this decision and I feel cheated. I reported the matter to the police. Please contact people who have also been deceived to bring about the conviction of fraudsters. My email kstaci@wp.pl

Oszukana (Anonymous, 193.56.104.) 14 months ago

I DO NOT RECOMMEND! THEY ARE THIEVES AND HUSTLERS. Not only do they not issue a sick leave, even with full medical documentation, but they also stretch for further consultations. There is no refund.

Jola1286 (Anonymous, 46.204.45.) 16 months ago

They accept the order and claim that they cannot issue an exemption, although you add documents confirming the extension of the exemption. And of course, the money does not give because it's my fault. Pathetic translation and no response. Of course, reported where needed.

Axj@ (Anonymous, 79.185.182.) 16 months ago

I do NOT recommend and I warn, in the process of filling out the form you can enter any drug. Unfortunately, the funds paid are no longer returned. If it was informed at the outset, there would be no problem and paying for the lack of any benefit. They probably realize that no one will go to court for 60 zlotys. So I suggest you think hard.

Magda (Anonymous, 79.187.1.) 16 months ago

I do not recommend. After paying for the consultation, within a few minutes I received information that the lack of medical documentation makes it impossible to issue a prescription. If, in the case of specific medicines, the lack of documentation makes it impossible to issue a prescription, the information should be provided immediately. Finally, I enter a specific drug that I use (by the way for years for a chronic disease), and the system asks if I have documentation or not. If I do not have it, I should be given information that it is impossible to prescribe the drug. Of course, it is more profitable for the owners of the portal to collect PLN 69, of which PLN 19 is retained for refusing to issue a scrap. Advise against.

Momo  (Anonymous, 85.221.139.) 17 months ago

Ok, they finally gave me the correct prescription, so I withdraw my notice. I do not really understand the desirability of this company annoying customers.

Momo  (Anonymous, 85.221.139.) 17 months ago

No. I used 3 or 4 times, each time there was an error in the prescription. Recently, the prescription was wrongly issued, and after the complaint it was deleted and no refund. I filed a notification of committing a crime under Article 286 paragraph 1 of the Penal Code

Majka  (Anonymous, 85.221.139.) 17 months ago

Grandpa and nothing more. I ordered the 3rd item, which is as much as you can supposedly with them, they wrote only one making a mistake in the packaging, I have serious doubts about this service. I used before, although they wrote everything, but also with errors. I will not use more

Mistral (Anonymous, 31.61.250.) 18 months ago

They didn't write a prescription. It is not known why. They gave away the money, but they ate 19 zł for unknown exactly what operator fees. I comply.

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