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Klaudia  (Anonymous, 88.156.156.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it normal that for the first days of using Pregabalin at a dose of 600 mg I felt like after Xanax, and now it has passed?

Good morning. For generalized anxiety, I take 600 mg of pregabalin in two doses of 300 mg. Initially, I felt practically after 40 -50 minutes a state in my head like after xanax. After a few days, he no longer feels. Is this normal? Does the drug work? Shouldn't my doctor increase the dose? Thank you for your reply.

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Jaco (Anonymous, 5.184.117.) 18 months ago

Hello The drug is initially taken from small doses and slowly increases until the effect, the maximum dose should be after the start of treatment of the drug, slowly increasing and then works perfectly. But it loses its properties after about half a year of operation. This drug is not highly addictive, such as: Xanax.. The tragedy of withdrawal of this drug and very strongly addictive. Pregabalin is a good solution in less severe cases of generalized neurotic drug disorders. Sometimes antidepressants do a good job, but in turn they shallow all emotions. My advice is sometimes to reduce the dose for about 2 weeks and then increase and it works well. DO NOT MIX!!! ... no MEASURES acting together on the GABA system. Such as alcohol, pregabalins, Xanax, etc. You have to read a little. Doctors, pharmacists are one bunch, not all but it is. The latest new generation drug for Depression and Generalized Anxiety is Eksketamine.Hahah the best thing is that it probably works very well, but the cost of treatment is about 40tys.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

This reaction is normal and indicates that the body has adapted to high doses of pregabalin. Nevertheless, the full effect of the therapy will be observed only after about 3-4 weeks - if after this time the anxiety symptoms do not subside or worsen, you should consult your doctor. I attach links to helpful entries: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/zaburzenia-lekowe-nerwica https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/70376/escitil-czy-mam-brac-pregabalin-stada-jesli-sie-boje-dzialan-niepozadanych

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