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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Anonim (Anonymous, 83.29.101.) Warszawa 2 years ago

I had a secured intercourse and the period is late - I did two pregnancy tests, what now?

Hello, the last intercourse (with protection) I had 18.02, 7.03 I should get menstruation, which has been waiting for me for 7 days, I have already done 2 tests and the result was negative.

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Anonim (Anonymous, 83.29.97.) 2 years ago

Thank you for your reply

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

2 years ago

Intercourse was secured, so the chance of getting pregnant is small. Stress has an impact on menstrual delay, so please wait patiently and refrain from drawing hasty conclusions.

Anonim (Anonymous, 83.29.97.) 2 years ago

I wanted to know whether to worry or be calm I have the impression that stress could affect all this, I will also add that I had symptoms before menstruation pain in the lower abdomen and breasts, i.e. such as with any other of my menstruation

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

2 years ago

What is the question? Please wait a few more days - sometimes menstruation is late naturally and does not have to herald pregnancy. However - if bleeding does not come, please consult a gynecologist. We are not able to confirm or exclude pregnancy in your case on the basis of this information.

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