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Magdalena (Anonymous, 37.248.159.) Warszawa 2 years ago

What preparations can be used for contact dermatitis?

I have contact dermatitis. The doctor prescribed me Advantan cream. Unfortunately, this drug only helps as long as I use it. After discontinuation, the problem recurs. In addition, the steroids contained in the cream cause irregular menstruation in me. Is it possible to treat contact dermatitis with drugs without steroids? If so, which ones? Please provide the name of the medicines.

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Weronika: The product has a relatively light consistency, should not leave greasy stains and is quickly absorbed.

Weronika (Anonymous, 37.248.153.) 2 years ago

Thank you. And is Alantan Sensitive cream greasy? Does it quickly soak into the skin and not leave greasy stains?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Weronika: The composition of Alantan sensitive cream indicates that it can be as effective in the treatment of contact dermatitis as the remedies I proposed below. This cream will allow you to rebuild the natural lipid barrier of the skin.

Weronika (Anonymous, 5.172.236.) 2 years ago

Thank you. And what is your opinion, for example, about the cream, which relatively recently appeared in Alantan Sensitive pharmacies?

Weronika (Anonymous, 37.248.153.) 2 years ago

Thank you. And are there any creams that do not leave greasy stains and are quickly absorbed? I mean those that can be used for contact dermatitis. Which one would you recommend? I am looking for those that would be helpful but also not too expensive and most importantly without steroids.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Weronika: Yes, Atopea cream can be used for contact dermatitis. Because it is a moisturizer and lubricating agent, it can leave greasy stains. The manufacturer recommends patting the product into the affected affected areas of the skin.

Weronika (Anonymous, 37.248.153.) 2 years ago

Can I use Atopea cream for contact dermatitis? Is this cream mild and does it not leave greasy stains? Does it soak in quickly?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Magdalena: 1 tablet every 24 hours, before meals.

Magdalena (Anonymous, 37.248.154.) 2 years ago

Thank you. How many times a day should I take an Allegra tablet?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Magdalena: Without consulting a doctor, the preparation can be used for up to 5 days. In practice - therapy is carried out until the symptoms disappear. However, if you do not observe improvement after about 2 weeks of therapy - it is worth consulting a doctor.

Magdalena (Anonymous, 37.248.154.) 2 years ago

Thank you. For how many days and in what dosage should I use Allegra?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Magdalena: If you want to avoid the use of steroid ointments, from the available oral drugs you can introduce, for example, a third-generation antihistopine drug m.in with fexophenadine https://www.gdziepolek.pl/substancje/fexofenadine Without a prescription you will buy, for example, Allegra: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/3456/allegra-tabletki-powlekane/apteki?pvid=118783#internetowe

Magdalena (Anonymous, 37.248.159.) 2 years ago

Thank you. I kindly ask for information on which oral antihistamines would you recommend for contact dermatitis? I want them not to be steroids. It does not matter to me whether it will be a prescription drug or an OTC drug, it is important that it is helpful for contact dermatitis in oral form and is not a steroid. Please advise.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Magdalena: In such a situation, it is worth taking care of restoring the lipid barrier of the skin - for this purpose, emollients, which we wrote about in the post below, will help. You can safely use Mediderm. As for antihistamines, you can use the drug Clatra or other over-the-counter drugs, which we write about in detail here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/leki-przeciwhistaminowe

Magdalena (Anonymous, 37.248.159.) 2 years ago

I understand. From my observations, it appears that the ailments intensify very much after contact with tap water. After all, water cannot be eliminated. How should I proceed to protect myself from contact dermatitis. My skin cracks into my blood, hurts a lot and is very dry. Practically you can see only white, dry lines. I currently use Mediderm cream. Can I also use it with contact dermatitis? Are there any oral medications, for example, but without steroids, that will alleviate the ailments? If so, please provide a name. Can Clatra be used for contact dermatitis? I know that it is on prescription, but I want it to be something that will help and will not be a steroid.

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Advantan should be used as strictly determined by your doctor, for max. 12 weeks in adults: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/2537/advantan-krem/ulotka/50659 I also encourage you to contact your doctor. It is not recommended to use the drug m.in. on large areas, on open wounds. Contact dermatitis is the result of contact with a substance, e.g. irritating or allergenic. In order to prevent the formation of changes, I encourage the elimination of substances that cause them from the environment. These can be, for example, washing or disinfecting liquids. This is very important because it allows you to permanently relieve the symptoms of contact dermatitis. Other agents for external use (such as dermocosmetics) can have a soothing effect. These are, for example, barrier preparations such as: - Emolium Dermocare barrier cream: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/26996/emolium-dermocare-krem-barierowy-krem/apteki - Dermaveel: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/22200/dermaveel-krem/apteki - Emotopic barrier cream: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/95831/emotopic-emolientowy-krem-barierowy-do-twarzy-i-ciala-krem/apteki

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