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Anna (Anonymous, 94.101.18.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Pain and burning of the legs when using amoxicillin - what to do?

Good morning. I was given the antibiotic amoksiklav 1000, 1 tablet 2 times a day. After the antibiotic my legs hurt a lot and there is a burning sensation especially in the knees is it normal after this antibiotic?

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Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

2 years ago

The symptoms described by you are not counted as adverse reactions associated with the use of Amoksiklav. These complaints should be reported to your doctor. We wrote more about why side effects should be reported in the text: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane

Daria (Anonymous, 95.105.127.) 56 days ago

Amoxiclav EVIL after taking my legs hurt very much, it is impossible to sit or stand for a long time, plus also hives, the first time such a reaction I am shocked !!

Maciej. (Anonymous, 31.182.204.) 3 months ago

My daughter, 4 years old, was given Augmentin for sinusitis. On the fourth day of use, he complains of leg pain and cannot sleep. I don't think I'll write more, because I want to muddy the doctor, and it won't change anything. Did your pain subside after stopping the antibiotic?

Bartek (Anonymous, 37.47.241.) 3 months ago

After this antibiotic, I also have a sharp pain in my right leg from knee to foot. On top of that, there were pains in all the teeth, as if someone was trying to pull them all out at once... And the doctor will say that it is not a side effect....

Agata (Anonymous, 212.37.80.) 4 months ago

I also have a terrible, rapid pain in the lower limbs of my legs from the antibiotic amoxiklav, after which I was left with a severe skin allergy and normix, which they changed me to, I also feel a lot of pain in the lower limbs, a rush! Will it pass .? And pain in the wrists and hands!!!

Agata (Anonymous, 212.37.80.) 4 months ago

I also have a sharp pain in my legs, lower limbs, I have the antibiotic amoxiklav, which they had to change immediately because I got a specific allergy from it, and normix!

Анастасия (Anonymous, 85.140.119.) 5 months ago

I also had severe pain and burning in my legs after 2 days after taking amoxiclav 1 t. 2 times a day, I immediately stopped taking this antibiotic, on the third day severe pain in the arms was added to the pain in the legs, it hurts to turn the hands. I've never had a side effect like this before from any medication. And now it's even hard to walk, everything hurts.

Dona (Anonymous, 102.222.6.) 5 months ago

Severe pain in my legs also for me when taking the antibiotic NORMIX 200

Dona (Anonymous, 102.222.6.) 5 months ago

I also have severe pain in my legs. I'm taking NORMIX 200 which is always antibiotic.

Мария (Anonymous, 37.73.200.) 6 months ago

Tell me, how did it go for you? What are the consequences? I have the same thing from this antibiotic

Pacjentka (Anonymous, 46.204.106.) 7 months ago

I also had this unusual side effect. After taking 3 doses of Augmentin, I was woken up at night by pain (burning) in one leg. After taking the next dose, the same.

Альона (Anonymous, 37.55.249.) 7 months ago

My son, 1.3 years old, falls to his knees after amoxiclav, the pediatrician said that it could be from antibiotics

Инга (Anonymous, 93.123.235.) 9 months ago

And my joints of the fingers and hand are cramping, it also began after taking amoxiclav

Alice (Anonymous, 37.32.88.) 9 months ago

Ditto pain in the legs

Akkk (Anonymous, 81.111.173.) 16 months ago

I also after amoxicycline have a terrible pain in my legs

pablo.rossi (Anonymous, 150.254.125.) 18 months ago

The answer for posterity. I also recently got the antibiotic Taromentin based on Amoxicillin and after taking it I have very severe pain in the lower limbs, so that it makes it difficult to fall asleep at all. Burning in the knees also confirm. I write that some catch that this is not an isolated symptom at all.

Karol (Anonymous, 188.147.104.) 1 year ago

I have severe pain in my legs.....

Marta (Anonymous, 109.78.215.) 2 years ago

Hi, I also have such symptoms. Strong pain in the legs , kluzie after amoksiklav. Regards Marta

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