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Honorata (Anonymous, 37.47.211.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Do Holisten tablets really have a slimming effect?

Hello, do holisten tablets really have a slimming effect? Can anyone use them? I am not overweight but unfortunately I gained weight in my thighs, hips and I have a constantly bloated belly. By the way, is there anything good for cleansing the intestines? So that they are not bloated and the belly enlarged... By the way, I take thyroid pills and vibin mini contraceptive pills, through which I think I have gained weight. I wanted to lose weight somewhere with 6.7 kg

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Holisten is a dietary supplement available only on the Internet. It is not registered as a medicine and does not have adequate clinical trials confirming its efficacy and safety. Possible interactions of Holisten with other medicinal products have also not been established. It is not recommended to use the preparation available only through websites. The purchase and use of a preparation with unspecified safety poses a risk of side effects resulting, for example, from receiving a falsified preparation. We wrote about why it is worth buying medicines exclusively from the pharmacy in the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/dlaczego-warto-kupowac-leki-tylko-w-aptece I also encourage you to read our study, in which we explain the difference between a dietary supplement and a medicinal preparation: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czym-roznia-sie-leki-od-suplementow In stationary and online pharmacies, numerous preparations supporting bowel cleansing are available. These include m.in: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/29714/fibraxine-proszek-do-wytworzenia-zawiesiny/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/25058/dr-uroda-blonnik-z-ananasem-tabletki-do-ssania-gryzienia-zucia/apteki In the case of using fiber preparations, I encourage you to maintain an appropriate time interval (minimum 4 hours) between other drugs used (such as hormonal contraception) and fiber. Some fiber preparations can affect the effectiveness of hormonal contraception, which we described in the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jakie-leki-oslabiaja-skutecznosc-antykoncepcji During weight loss, it is recommended to follow a proper diet. I encourage you to take advantage of the consultation with a dietitian who will arrange a correct and balanced diet, consistent with the needs of your body. I also encourage you to increase or introduce physical activity into your daily schedule. Regular exercise has a positive effect on weight loss. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with additional materials that may be useful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/fakty-i-mity-o-odchudzaniu https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/rosliny-na-odchudzanie-i-oczyszczanie

Piksi (Anonymous, 31.0.75.) 3 months ago

I was very happy with these pills, now I can't get them, I lost 12 kg by taking 3 months. I stopped taking them because I got pregnant, now I would love to continue taking 😁😎 them

Małgorzata  (Anonymous, 89.64.40.) 13 months ago

Drink on water, because it matters. It's a waste of money. It is enough to apply a diet of 1200 cal. A little self-denial without idiotic pills. Water!!!!!!

..  (Anonymous, 31.179.53.) 14 months ago

Both me and my mother took these supplements and I am honestly surprised by the comments. We had great effects, of course not after a day or two only a month / two of use. The skin was more tight and generally I would recommend Currently, the only problem I have is that they are very difficult to access, if at all they are still available somewhere

Garti (Anonymous, 37.47.109.) 15 months ago

The composition is very weak, maybe the baby would work

Olek (Anonymous, 188.33.248.) 17 months ago

Scammers take them to court

Ewa  (Anonymous, 31.0.43.) 17 months ago

Holisten I take from 4 months and instead of losing weight I gained weight, although I listened to the recommendations personally, I do not recommend it is definitely too expensive and unfortunately I am not effective I am disgusted

Eryk (Anonymous, 88.152.9.) 18 months ago

A simple stretch. Only your wallet will lose weight. They cleverly persuade you to make big purchases. They call and deceive to buy. Then, once you buy a man, there is no return. I DIDN'T LOSE A KILO! APPARENTLY I'M THE PROMILEM WHO DID NOT LOSE WEIGHT ... HAHA be warned!

Michał (Anonymous, 37.248.216.) 18 months ago

At first everything seemed okay, it really seemed that after starting to consume the supplement there is a better mood. Of course, it was only a mistaken feeling. The first month of using the supplement plus the use of rules that were supposed to make me lose up to 5 kg in a month, and the effect of an increase in weight by 3 kg. After a month, a lady calls who says that everything is okay, but you have to buy another supplement that needs to be included. Chance. After another month, there are no further effects. You call again and say that nothing is happening, but you have to buy 3 more supplements, but at a special price, yes, it is twice as expensive. Stupidly, I was fooled, only then the light came on that there was something wrong. Of course, apart from phone calls urging you to buy more supplements, zero contact. Deceit

Ada  (Anonymous, 176.111.22.) 18 months ago

Hi I'm surprised by these negative comments you think that gaining weight all your life lose weight after a few days unknown how much I want to laugh, I use Fatoslimin 2 and a half weeks and I have minus 4.5kg for this I have a diet I exercise on a stationary bike and actually helps the belly is not the same as it was! And if you are doubtful, I invite you to my fb Ada Adriana profile picture I have with a cat and will show you the differences between how I looked and how I look. You write nonsense, no one will lose weight, in fact, getting drunk here you have to eat rationally, regularly, healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle and then the effects are! Capsules I run out but certainly order another without any but. Best regards

Kinga (Anonymous, 89.79.254.) 18 months ago

No. They don't work. It's a scam. In addition, you will not get the promised refund in case of what. They do not answer phone calls and do not respond to e-mail. Scammers!

Mateusz (Anonymous, 5.173.97.) 18 months ago

Fraudsters stretch anlater on the complaint tell to write an e-mail and at the end write back that vzas for the complaint 28dni was as they already after 15 days stretch the next product which is fake, and after calling the funny lady consultant lady claims that nothing can do about the fraudsters thieves I also warn believed and I was tricked into over 800zl thieves!!!!

Oliwia (Anonymous, 5.173.112.) 18 months ago

Has anyone reported to the court, such a situation of cheating?

Iwona (Anonymous, 178.235.186.) 19 months ago

Do not be fooled by the product does not work this is a simple stretch on the cash I also gave up

Żaneta (Anonymous, 37.248.217.) 1 year ago

They affected me, I lost weight after 3 packages, but I did not recommend the side effect, I knew what no one told me. Zabyzyky my contraception now I'm w28tc

Maria (Anonymous, 80.55.177.) 1 year ago

No, it works. I took Holisten, then Actiwator and biostinex as directed. The whole 5 months I was assured that now I will definitely lose weight only I have to buy the next product, and I naively did so. I lost 824 zlotys and lost absolutely nothing. In these capsules it is probably hay. Hopefully harmless. There is no reason to count on complaints either. NIEEEE works

Kinga (Anonymous, 83.142.187.) 1 year ago

Hello. I was fooled too. I wanted to return these worthless pills. Do any of you know where to file a complaint?

Ja naiwna (Anonymous, 31.7.46.) 1 year ago

I'm so ashamed that I let myself be fooled! I threw out over 800 zł. I don't believe I'm that naïve! Do not buy, do not get involved in a conversation with consultants! Massacre!

Ewa. (Anonymous, 188.147.12.) 1 year ago

Yesterday I started eating the second pack of Holisten. In the first week I lost 4 kg, my stomach fell. You could see the improvement. Now I weigh 1 kg more when I started. I want to cry.

Ruda (Anonymous, 31.61.185.) 1 year ago

Holisten Does not help for weight loss. This is simply a scam. Within a month I had to lose about 5 kg. I have been taking for two months and I lost two kg. CHEATERS AND CHEATERS

Olek (Anonymous, 85.221.151.) 1 year ago

You have to publicize it and take these cheaters to court how you can trick people like that. Total hoax and deception

HOLISTEN TO GOWNO  (Anonymous, 37.249.79.) 1 year ago

I do not recommend it, nothing works. The weight stands still despite taking pills and increasing movement. A pile of money spent down the drain. Advise against

Anna (Anonymous, 83.25.208.) 1 year ago

The case should go to court, how can you deceive people so much. Tablets do not work, cause gastrointestinal disorders, and the calling ladies do not want to hear about the refund only persuade you to buy another miracle remedy that is supposed to unlock something. In general, they play with people with impunity. Don't be fooled

Layla  (Anonymous, 5.173.152.) 1 year ago

Fraud, I will send back the packaging, if I do not get a refund, then my lawyer will report the fraud and extortion and we will meet in court.

sawa (Anonymous, 213.146.62.) 1 year ago

holisten is a sciema expensive and without effects.better brac drugs assigned by a doctor and not offal from the internet advertisement.. I absolutely do not recommend.

Oddajcie pieniądze  (Anonymous, 89.230.17.) 1 year ago

I was clearly and unscrupulously deceived. I will advise everyone not to buy this product.

Gabi  (Anonymous, 217.227.48.) 1 year ago

Hi I take tablets for 18 days and instead of losing 2kg I gained weight so the tablets do not work

Renata  (Anonymous, 188.47.8.) 1 year ago

Fraud and once again fraud. It doesn't work at all. Ladies call, who then do not respond to phone calls and e-mails when it comes to a refund, in accordance with the promised satisfaction guarantee.

Krzysztof (Anonymous, 138.199.17.) 1 year ago

Do not be fooled by the promotions of this product. These reviews are written by paid people. The product is expensive, does not work, causes allergies. There is no possibility of the promised return. Simply tricking naïve people. Zero benefits in exchange for hundreds of dollars!

Magik (Anonymous, 31.0.91.) 1 year ago

I will honestly say that I was not convinced myself but in 4 months I lost 13kg I contacted a dietitian also recommended this product to me, but to see if I passed the appropriate tests which surprised me because the GIS website actually shows so it dispelled doubts. And people who neglect half of their lives and thought that in a month to lose 15kg is good luck I wish. No one will do it for you

Alicja (Anonymous, 89.230.17.) 1 year ago

I totally advise against it. You can gain weight and then they will hydrate you to buy a second product!!!

Dereck (Anonymous, 217.30.10.) 1 year ago

The product uses a combination of active ingredients found in nature with many beneficial properties. These ingredients can help you achieve rapid fat reduction. The dietary supplement uses a combination of active ingredients found in nature with many beneficial properties. These ingredients can help you achieve rapid fat reduction. Where can you buy Holisten at the best price? What ingredients are included in this supplement? For more information, see this new article! Holistin does not contain any potentially aggressive substances that are harmful to the well-being of the body. A number of natural elements carefully selected by the manufacturer and a team of experts have amazing slimming effects. Here are the ingredients contained in the product: Berberine: it can contribute to the regularity of digestive and metabolic functions. L-carnitine: can help promote drainage and detoxifying effects on waste, liquids and toxins. Garcinia Cambogia: can support detoxification in case of accumulation of waste substances. Bacopa Monnieri: can support the well-being of the immune system, concentration and rest. Unlike aggressive preparations, Holisten uses a natural composition. Tablets should not be used in case of allergies and pregnancy. The best way to experience all the benefits described by the manufacturer is to take the dietary supplement as recommended in the package leaflet. The only original version of Holisten can be found on the official website of the manufacturer, where you can access all relevant information. The manufacturer offers a 50% discount on the first package.

Dereck (Anonymous, 217.30.10.) 1 year ago

The product uses a combination of active ingredients found in nature with many beneficial properties. These ingredients can help you achieve rapid fat reduction. The dietary supplement uses a combination of active ingredients found in nature with many beneficial properties. These ingredients can help you achieve rapid fat reduction. Where can you buy Holisten at the best price? What ingredients are included in this supplement? For more information, see this new article! Holistin does not contain any potentially aggressive substances that are harmful to the well-being of the body. A number of natural elements carefully selected by the manufacturer and a team of experts have amazing slimming effects. Here are the ingredients contained in the product: Berberine: it can contribute to the regularity of digestive and metabolic functions. L-carnitine: can help promote drainage and detoxifying effects on waste, liquids and toxins. Garcinia Cambogia: can support detoxification in case of accumulation of waste substances. Bacopa Monnieri: can support the well-being of the immune system, concentration and rest. Unlike aggressive preparations, Holisten uses a natural composition. Tablets should not be used in case of allergies and pregnancy. The best way to experience all the benefits described by the manufacturer is to take the dietary supplement as recommended in the package leaflet. The only original version of Holisten can be found on the official website of the manufacturer, where you can access all relevant information. The manufacturer offers a 50% discount on the first package.

O Holisten Cała Prawda (Anonymous, 46.204.72.) 1 year ago

Hi all women I am very sorry that you have been stretched in this way Kobitki who want to know the truth about the product holiten invite you to my Facebook there explains what is going on here and how this company works also warn against the purchase and also people who have started treatments that are not successful and buy activators Also women who started treatments not long ago please write Facebook is called: About Holisten The Whole Truth

Mmmm (Anonymous, 139.28.177.) 1 year ago

So behind the success of Holisten is the composition of capsules based on 100% natural ingredients. Specifically: Garcinia Cambogia Berberine Bacon Monnieri L-Carnitine Hydroxycitric acid Garcinia Cambogia is essential in reducing portion sizes at the table and promoting gradual weight loss. Berberine is essential in regulating blood sugar levels and preventing cravings for sweets. Bacopa Monnieri plays a fundamental role in providing energy and improving mood. The latter is not just anything, especially if you are on a diet. L-Carnitine is useful in influencing the process of thermogenesis, which promotes the burning of unnecessary fat. Hydroxycitric acid is crucial in keeping appetite under control and promoting the absorption of fewer calories. A mixture of ingredients, in short, facilitating weight loss. Holisten are completely natural pills that are used to effectively lose excess weight in a safe and healthy way. It is a powerful solution that works to speed up metabolism and eliminate persistent body fat that is deposited in the thigh and abdominal area.

niepolecam (Anonymous, 91.206.168.) 1 year ago

I used it for 4 days and had to stop because I got a lot of food poisoning. I do not recommend

Kobieta  (Anonymous, 188.146.69.) 1 year ago

Another stretching, after a month of use and zero effects, you hear that you still have to take another 2 months, and then again another with activators and other inventions. Of course, for the right price in a special promotion... for me the opposite effect, kg instead of decreasing arrived, I will add that I move, drink water and try to eat rationally. Definitely not recommended.

Darko (Anonymous, 111.90.148.) 1 year ago

How does Holisten work? Effects Many nutritionists strongly recommend Holisten for its amazing weight loss benefits. They also add that it is a better preparation than many other weight loss solutions available on the market, since it does not cause negative side effects. The first positive results are noticeable after a week (with daily use), and the treatment should last a minimum of 30 days.

Martin (Anonymous, 37.120.140.) 1 year ago

So behind the success of Holisten is the composition of capsules based on 100% natural ingredients. Specifically: Garcinia Cambogia Berberine Bacon Monnieri L-Carnitine Hydroxycitric acid Garcinia Cambogia is essential in reducing portion sizes at the table and promoting gradual weight loss. Berberine is essential in regulating blood sugar levels and preventing cravings for sweets. Bacopa Monnieri plays a fundamental role in providing energy and improving mood. The latter is not just anything, especially if you are on a diet. L-Carnitine is useful in influencing the process of thermogenesis, which promotes the burning of unnecessary fat. Hydroxycitric acid is crucial in keeping appetite under control and promoting the absorption of fewer calories. A mixture of ingredients, in short, facilitating weight loss. Holisten are completely natural pills that are used to effectively lose excess weight in a safe and healthy way. It is a powerful solution that works to speed up metabolism and eliminate persistent body fat that is deposited in the thigh and abdominal area.

niezadowolona klientka (Anonymous, 37.28.159.) 1 year ago

this product is sciema so much money and the effects of the lack of deficit diet, a lot of exercise and the weight is NOT RECOMMENDED

Judy (Anonymous, 185.40.20.) 1 year ago

Reviews of people who use it say that Holisten supports them in reducing appetite and accelerating metabolism, which in turn leads to gradual but permanent weight loss. Where to buy Holisten at a good price? Is Holisten sold on sites like Amazon and Allegro? Are there similar products? How should I dose slimming capsules? Does Holisten cause any side effects? Let's find out everything about him in this Holisten review! Holisten are completely natural pills that are used to effectively lose excess weight in a safe and healthy way. It is a powerful solution that works to speed up metabolism and eliminate persistent body fat that is deposited in the thigh and abdominal area. The main results that can be achieved by using Holisten tablets are: Appetite suppression. Cleansing the body. Elimination of body fat. Acceleration of metabolism. Since its launch, the manufacturer has sold more than 50,000 bottles of the supplement throughout Europe, making it extremely popular. Especially considering the fact, Holisten is only available for sale online. How does Holisten work? Effects Many nutritionists strongly recommend Holisten for its amazing weight loss benefits. They also add that it is a better preparation than many other weight loss solutions available on the market, since it does not cause negative side effects. The first positive results are noticeable after a week (with daily use), and the treatment should last a minimum of 30 days.

Mimi (Anonymous, 64.227.171.) 1 year ago

The product uses a combination of active ingredients found in nature with many beneficial properties. These ingredients can help you achieve rapid fat reduction. The dietary supplement uses a combination of active ingredients found in nature with many beneficial properties. These ingredients can help you achieve rapid fat reduction. Where can you buy Holisten at the best price? What ingredients are included in this supplement? For more information, see this new article! Holistin does not contain any potentially aggressive substances that are harmful to the well-being of the body. A number of natural elements carefully selected by the manufacturer and a team of experts have amazing slimming effects. Here are the ingredients contained in the product: Berberine: it can contribute to the regularity of digestive and metabolic functions. L-carnitine: can help promote drainage and detoxifying effects on waste, liquids and toxins. Garcinia Cambogia: can support detoxification in case of accumulation of waste substances. Bacopa Monnieri: can support the well-being of the immune system, concentration and rest. Unlike aggressive preparations, Holisten uses a natural composition. Tablets should not be used in case of allergies and pregnancy. The best way to experience all the benefits described by the manufacturer is to take the dietary supplement as recommended in the package leaflet. The only original version of Holisten can be found on the official website of the manufacturer, where you can access all relevant information. The manufacturer offers a 50% discount on the first package.

Oszukany  (Anonymous, 93.105.176.) 1 year ago

To no avail, usually scamov

Rita (Anonymous, 185.234.52.) 1 year ago

Holisten hides substances of natural origin in the right proportions. The main ingredients are berberine, L-carnitine, Garcinia Cambogia, HCA (hydroxycitric acid) and Bacopa Monnieri. This shows that this supplement is based primarily on plant extracts, and its formula is organic. How to use Holisten? We always use Holisten in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, i.e. according to the information on the packaging. Not everyone knows that during the day you need to regularly hydrate the body, thanks to which nutrients will be better absorbed. Importantly, this preparation must be used for at least a month, so 30 days. What are the effects of using the Holisten supplement? Holisten works for weight loss because it contains ingredients that support this process. HCA suppresses appetite, in addition, supports carbohydrate metabolism. Berberine also allows you to control appetite, because it has properties that control insulin levels. L-carnitine, on the other hand, converts fatty acids into energy. Bacopa Monnieri plant extract lowers cortisol levels, therefore it reduces stress, which often occurs in the weight loss process. Garcinia Cambogia, on the other hand, reduces the need for snacking. Holisten tablets: eliminate toxins reduce stress positively affect well-being reduce appetite turn up metabolism slim the figure and burn fat. There is no denying that Holisten for weight loss supports weight loss. However, it should be remembered that this is only an addition to a healthy diet and physical activity! Taken alone, unfortunately, but will not give spectacular results.

Bartek (Anonymous, 178.255.45.) 1 year ago

The supplement is terribly expensive, does not work, diarrhea after a few days of use. You can only forget about the promised reimbursement. DECEIT

Nicea (Anonymous, 5.188.183.) 1 year ago

The dietary supplement uses a combination of active ingredients found in nature with many beneficial properties. These ingredients can help you achieve rapid fat reduction. Holistin does not contain any potentially aggressive substances that are harmful to the well-being of the body. A number of natural elements carefully selected by the manufacturer and a team of experts have amazing slimming effects. Here are the ingredients contained in the product: Berberine: it can contribute to the regularity of digestive and metabolic functions. L-carnitine: can help promote drainage and detoxifying effects on waste, liquids and toxins. Garcinia Cambogia: can support detoxification in case of accumulation of waste substances. Bacopa Monnieri: can support the well-being of the immune system, concentration and rest.

Olek (Anonymous, 85.221.151.) 1 year ago

Szajs total scam and scammers who should give back money and answer for cheating people

ania (Anonymous, 217.146.82.) 1 year ago

this product does not work. so much money for such kitsch. I regret that I let myself be tricked and warn others against buying

Marcin (Anonymous, 141.164.48.) 1 year ago

Behind the success of Holisten is the composition of capsules based on 100% natural ingredients. Specifically: Garcinia Cambogia Berberine Bacon Monnieri L-Carnitine Hydroxycitric acid Garcinia Cambogia is essential in reducing portion sizes at the table and promoting gradual weight loss. Berberine is essential in regulating blood sugar levels and preventing cravings for sweets. Bacopa Monnieri plays a fundamental role in providing energy and improving mood. The latter is not just anything, especially if you are on a diet. L-Carnitine is useful in influencing the process of thermogenesis, which promotes the burning of unnecessary fat. Hydroxycitric acid is crucial in keeping appetite under control and promoting the absorption of fewer calories. A mixture of ingredients, in short, facilitating weight loss. Holisten are completely natural pills that are used to effectively lose excess weight in a safe and healthy way. It is a powerful solution that works to speed up metabolism and eliminate persistent body fat that is deposited in the thigh and abdominal area. The main results that can be achieved by using Holisten tablets are: Appetite suppression. Cleansing the body. Elimination of body fat. Acceleration of metabolism. Since its launch, the manufacturer has sold more than 50,000 bottles of the supplement throughout Europe, making it extremely popular. Especially considering the fact, Holisten is only available for sale online. How does Holisten work? Effects Many nutritionists strongly recommend Holisten for its amazing weight loss benefits. They also add that it is a better preparation than many other weight loss solutions available on the market, since it does not cause negative side effects. The first positive results are noticeable after a week (with daily use), and the treatment should last a minimum of 30 days. The formula works from the inside to increase energy, speed up metabolism, promote faster fat burning, remove toxins and eliminate excess weight. Experts say that Holisten offers many benefits and advantages when it comes to losing weight in a natural way. The vitamins, minerals and nutrients in the supplement make fat cells burn and energy levels are high despite calorie restrictions.

Mirka (Anonymous, 37.30.12.) 1 year ago

It is interesting that whenever someone writes the truth that there is a scam and deception immediately appears advertising encouraging and praising holisten. I also bought from the original manufacturer's website and there were no effects either. Sorry effect is a depleted wallet and disappointed hopes

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
