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Karolina (Anonymous, 81.190.46.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Does a beta hCG score below 0.2 mIU/ml mean no pregnancy?

Good morning or the result

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 days ago

To @Asia:

In this situation, pregnancy can be ruled out with a high probability.

Beta-hCG Result <0,10 mIU/ml wykonany 22 dni po pettingu jest wiarygodny i wyklucza ciążę. W tym okresie, gdyby doszło do zapłodnienia, poziom hormonu byłby znacząco wyższy. Biorąc pod uwagę niskie ryzyko ciąży przy pettingu bez penetracji oraz jednoznacznie negatywny wynik testu, powtórzenie badania nie jest konieczne.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 days ago

To @Dorota:

A beta-hCG result below 0.1 mIU/ml excludes pregnancy. Delayed menstruation can be caused by many factors, such as stress, lifestyle changes, hormonal disorders or infections. I encourage you to consult your doctor for further diagnostics and to determine the cause of amenorrhea.

Asia (Anonymous, 178.42.185.) 4 days ago

Is the betahcg blood result reliable 22 days after petting with your partner? I did it today and the result is <0,10. Czy powinnam powtórzyć test z krwi czy po takim czasie mogę wykluczyć ciążę?

Dorota  (Anonymous, 31.0.25.) 4 days ago

Good morning. My period is over a week late. Beta HCG Done Today <0,1. Co to oznacza i dlaczego nadal nie mam miesiączki?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

4 days ago

To @DC96:

Beta hCG Result <0.200 mIU/ml wskazuje na brak ciąży w momencie badania.

Biorąc pod uwagę datę ostatniej miesiączki (12.06), jeśli badanie wykonano przed upływem 3-4 tygodni, może być zasadne jego powtórzenie za kilka dni. W przypadku utrzymujących się wątpliwości lub objawów, zalecam konsultację z lekarzem ginekologiem w celu dokładnej oceny sytuacji i ewentualnego zaplanowania dalszej diagnostyki.

DC96 (Anonymous, 89.64.76.) 4 days ago

Hello, hcg beta result <0.200ml, ostatnia miesiączka 12.06..... Czy warto powtórzyć betę?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

4 days ago

To @Диана :

Yes, such a result indicates that you are not pregnant.

Диана  (Anonymous, 46.251.213.) 4 days ago

Hello, test 0.11 is negative ?or retake

Диана  (Anonymous, 46.251.213.) 4 days ago

Help me figure it out

Елена  (Anonymous, 5.63.98.) 9 days ago

What does hCG mean? <0.200?

Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

12 days ago

Up to @Paula:

A beta-HCG result of 5609.0 mIU/ml indicates pregnancy, most likely 5-7 weeks. You should go to your gynaecologist to confirm it.

Paula (Anonymous, 188.146.111.) 12 days ago

What does 5609.0 mean from Beta is it pregnancy?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

17 days ago

Up to @Paula:

A low beta-hCG value in pregnancy can indicate several situations:

* Very early pregnancy - in the first days after conception, the level of beta-hCG is still low and gradually increases.

* Abnormally developing pregnancy - low levels of the hormone may indicate problems with fetal development.

*Risk of miscarriage - too slow growth or decrease in beta-hCG levels may suggest a risk of miscarriage.

*Ectopic pregnancy - in this case, beta-hCG levels often rise more slowly than in a normal pregnancy.

In the case of a low beta-hCG value or doubts about its interpretation, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

Paula  (Anonymous, 164.127.230.) 17 days ago

I have a question: the test came out positive and beta 2.30, what does it mean?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

19 days ago

To @Test report and @Инкар:

These results indicate that you are not pregnant.

Test report  (Anonymous, 157.47.29.) 19 days ago

Is positive or nagative tell me

Test report  (Anonymous, 157.47.29.) 19 days ago

0.35 means pregnant or not

Инкар (Anonymous, 176.64.4.) 19 days ago

Hello, I have a positive test, but hCG shows 2.30, what does it mean

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

25 days ago

To @Kmkmkm:

There is no possibility of pregnancy with such a low level of beta-hCG.

There can be many reasons for late menstruation and I wrote about it in the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-zaburzenia-miesiaczkowania

Kmkmkm (Anonymous, 109.243.128.) 26 days ago

To: Klaudia Ćwiakala

Is it possible to get pregnant with such a low beta? Or if there is a possibility of some illness because I am also surprised by this late period

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

26 days ago

To @Kmkmkm:

A pale line on a pregnancy test does not necessarily mean pregnancy - sometimes these are factory "clearances". Of course, you can repeat the beta-hCG blood test to confirm the result and rule out pregnancy.

Kmkmkm (Anonymous, 109.243.128.) 26 days ago

I did a beta today, the result came out 0.20, yesterday I did three pregnancy tests, all of them came out positive, only a very pale line, my period is 7 days late, what can it mean?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

26 days ago

Up to @Rdty57:

This result does not indicate pregnancy.

Rdty57 (Anonymous, 31.61.185.) 27 days ago

Beta result 1.040 mlU/ml is it pregnancy? Until menstruation 6 days

Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

33 days ago

To @Kamila:

Result <2 IU/l wskazuje na brak ciąży. Spóźniająca się miesiączka nie musi koniecznie świadczyć o ciąży, jej przyczyną może być, np. stres, intensywne treningi, przemęczenie, zaburzenia hormonalne. Przyczyny bólu w podbrzuszu także mogą być różne. Jeśli miesiączka się nie pojawi i zaburzenia miesiączkowania występują często, a ból w podbrzuszu nie ustępuje lub ulega nasileniu, należy skonsultować się z lekarzem, który ustali ich przyczynę i zaleci odpowiednie postępowanie. Portal Gdziepolek.pl umożliwia skorzystanie z telekonsultacji z ginekologiem:


Kamila (Anonymous, 83.20.123.) 33 days ago

Hello. I have not had my period for a week and a half. Beta 2 Score. Lower abdominal pain from week and can I be pregnant?

Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

34 days ago

To @Леся:

Result obtained (beta-HCG concentration <0,1 mIU/ml) wskazuje na brak ciąży.

Леся (Anonymous, 46.219.230.) 34 days ago

What does it mean?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

35 days ago

To @Angelika:

The HCG test result means that you are not pregnant. Please remember that the beta HCG test has the highest reliability performed about 6-12 days after ovulation.

Angelika  (Anonymous, 188.147.13.) 38 days ago

Hello, how should I interpret this result?

ANIA (Anonymous, 185.50.51.) 39 days ago

So with a result of 1.83 I can be calm uf

ANIA (Anonymous, 185.50.51.) 39 days ago

Delaying the period is 3 weeks. beta hCG test shows 1.83 so menopause after 50 creeps in, I already think so

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

39 days ago

Up to @ANIA:

This result indicates that you are not pregnant.

ANIA (Anonymous, 185.50.51.) 39 days ago

Beta BCG Score 1.83 Does it mean pregnancy

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

41 days ago

To @Ksenia:
The result may mean early pregnancy. The test should be repeated in 2-3 days. If your hormone levels rise, it may mean that you are pregnant.

If you are unable to consult your doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:


The advice is provided in Polish.

Ksenia  (Anonymous, 51.159.223.) 42 days ago

Tell me, please

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

47 days ago


A result of 145.9 mIU/ml beta-hCG indicates early pregnancy, probably between 4 and 5 weeks after the last menstrual period.

*załamana*  (Anonymous, 188.117.183.) 48 days ago

Hello, what does this result mean?

Marina (Anonymous, 46.211.5.) 48 days ago

Can there be an ectopic pregnancy?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

50 days ago

To @Беременна?:

The HCG test result means that you are not pregnant. Please remember that the beta HCG test has the highest reliability performed about 6-12 days after ovulation.

I encourage you to read additional materials that may be useful:


Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

50 days ago

To @Нонашка:

A beta-hCG test result below 0.10 mIU/ml indicates that you are not pregnant. The level of this hormone should be higher than 5 mIU/ml to confirm pregnancy in the first weeks after conception.

Because the beta-hCG test result is low and the symptoms may indicate another health problem. I encourage you to consult a doctor for further diagnostics and to determine the cause of the ailment. Paying attention to adequate rest, a healthy diet, and stress reduction, which can help relieve symptoms.
Chest pain and general weakness require further observation and medical consultation, especially when combined with low levels of beta-hCG.

If you are not able to make a face-to-face visit, I attach a link to the online teleconsultation:

https://www.gdzi epolek.pl/telekonsultacja/z-ginekologiem

Беременна? (Anonymous, 85.117.105.) 51 days ago


Нонашка (Anonymous, 51.159.222.) 51 days ago

Hello, more than a week has passed since conception, today I passed the hCG test.
Result <0,10мМЕ/мл. У меня болит грудь и сильная слабость. Что это может значить?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

52 days ago

To @0.21:

The HCG test result means that you are not pregnant. The HCG test result means that you are not pregnant. Please remember that the beta HCG test has the highest reliability performed 8-10 days after conception

Beta-hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) values are very low and practically do not change between 4 and 7 days after ovulation. Early beta-hCG tests may not detect pregnancy because levels of this hormone begin to rise significantly usually only after embryo implantation, which usually occurs about 6-12 days after ovulation.

0,21 (Anonymous, 31.0.56.) 52 days ago

Hello, what does this result indicate?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

52 days ago

To @Jagodowa_muffinka:

This result indicates that you are not pregnant.

Jagodowa_muffinka (Anonymous, 159.205.121.) 52 days ago

Good morning, the period is 12 days late, the intercourse was 20.04, the test came out positive, the breasts were swollen and painful, the beta came out <2.30 lekarz dopiero 5 czerwca co to może oznaczać?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

54 days ago

To @Kobieta122:

It may be too early for the test to show pregnancy. It is worth repeating after another 5 days.

Kobieta122 (Anonymous, 5.173.208.) 54 days ago

Last intercourse the day after ovulation, i.e. 5 days when I did the beta

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