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Anonim (Anonymous, 188.147.33.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Does diarrhea when using placebo pills affect the effectiveness of birth control pills?

I take the Atywia Daily contraceptive pill. I'm on the 27th tablet today, which is a placebo. I took it at 7 o'clock in the morning. Around 9 I had a normal stool, another normal stool at 14 and at 18 a loose stool. Does this count as diarrhea? Is contraception preserved if diarrhea occurs during placebo pills?

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14 months ago

Please can reply


14 months ago

Please you can answer because I'm worried


14 months ago

Przwsorry, however, there was a second stool, this time watery and this is the second when not 4 hours have passed because it occurred 3 godizne 50 minutes after erection Vines. I do not know what is happening because first one normal when 2.5 h has passed, and now the second so much that watery normally tao nue I have whether this situation reduces the effectiveness of contraceptive pills? And there was a second watery stool 5 hours and 5 minutes after taking vines. What to do me in this situation . Exactly 2.5h after vines normal stool 3 hours 50 minutes after Vines so semi-liquid and now 5 hours and 5 minutes after Vines watery what should I do in this situation, please answer because I do not know if it counts as diarrhea and whether it reduces the effectiveness of birth control pills?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

To @Gabriela: No, it does not disturb.


14 months ago

And the occurrence of one normal defecation of 2 and a half hours about taking Vines disrupts the operation if the second such occurred after more than 5 hours

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

To @Gabriela: It will not disturb.


14 months ago

And if I drank alcohol and when it was 5 hours after taking vines and I had one semi-liquid stool, can it interfere with the effects of the tablets?


14 months ago

So if I take the first tablet from the blister jureo, the effectiveness will be preserved if, for example, tomorrow there is also such a watery stool?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

To @Gabriela: This does not affect the effectiveness of contraception.


14 months ago

And if for 3 tablets placebo vines I had one watery stool, because this situation took place 3 days in a row, but it was a placebo, can it affect the reduction of effectiveness of vines in the next blister or immediately after taking the first vines tablet will I be safe?

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