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Magda (Anonymous, 80.54.231.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Will eating a lightly burnt pizza affect the effectiveness of Vibin tablets?

Good morning, I ate a pizza that had something like charcoal on the bottom (small black dots) and after 4 hours I took the Vibin contraceptive pill. Could pizza charcoal have affected the effectiveness of the tablet?

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

2 years ago

The same situation - in such a small amount it could not affect the effectiveness of the drug, please do not be afraid.

Magda (Anonymous, 80.54.231.) 2 years ago

I also meant coal from the stove, because its fragments were on the dough. Does it affect the effectiveness?

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

2 years ago

Activated charcoal has strong adsorption properties, binds impurities and toxins, which is used in the treatment of food poisoning (e.g. diarrhea, flatulence), but also in cosmetics (in the care of oily skin, prone to acne or in whitening toothpastes). Carbon taken in a large amount and in a short time interval from the drug can realistically disturb its effect. On the other hand, small pieces of burnt dough in no way can reduce the effect of tablets - firstly, for the sake of small amounts of charred dough fragments, and secondly - the burnt dough does not bear the marks of activated carbon.

Magda (Anonymous, 80.54.231.) 2 years ago

I understand, and does charcoal affect the effectiveness of tablets?

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

2 years ago

No, small fragments of burnt pizza dough will not adversely affect the effectiveness of hormonal contraception - you have no reason to worry.

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