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Suchy (Anonymous, 188.33.241.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is stinging and tightness on the left side of the chest an adverse reaction of Cetix?

Hello. Is it possible after the antibiotic Cetix stinging compression on the left side of the chest at breast level? Should the medicine be discontinued in this case? Thank you for your reply. Best regards.

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

45 days ago

To @Marcys:

Chest pain with cough that occurs after starting antibiotic treatment may be the result of irritation of the airways or inflammation of the bronchi.

It is important not to stop treatment without consulting your doctor, especially since you are undergoing therapy. I encourage you to consult your doctor to assess your symptoms and consider further diagnostics.

If you need more personalized advice, you can use teleconsultations here:


Marcys (Anonymous, 89.64.42.) 46 days ago

My chest burns a lot when I cough. It started exactly after the first dose of the antibiotic. I don't know if I should stop treatment with this drug, especially since I've been sick for 3 weeks now and this is my 3rd antibiotic, because I have such coughing fits that I'm out of breath and I'm suffocating. I've already been to 3 doctors and each one gives something different... I don't know what to do anymore:( only in 3 days I have a chest X-ray.

kasia (Anonymous, 176.221.123.) 7 months ago

I had the same thing after taking the first dose of the drug.

Tomas (Anonymous, 188.33.224.) 2 years ago

I have been taking Cetix 400 for two days and I have the same symptom.

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The occurrence of stinging and tightness on the left side of the chest is probably not due to the use of Cetix. At least so far, no such side effect of Cetix has been indicated: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/84653/cetix-tabletki-powlekane/ulotka/172877 In the event that stinging and pressure persist, I encourage you to consult a doctor.

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