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Anonim (Anonymous, 79.191.60.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Will ellaOne work if it was taken on or just after the day of ovulation?

I have a question I had sex with a girl but it was intercourse without investigation and without protection up to 1 min and I did not feel that I was coming. However, we were afraid that fertilization could occur, so the girl took the ellaone pill after 12 hours after intercourse, but it was probably during ovulation or the day after. Will the ellaone tablet work and is there a high risk of getting pregnant?

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

It is difficult for me to say this - these are rather questions in the field of knowledge of the urologist.

Anonim (Anonymous, 79.191.60.) 2 years ago

And when masturbating and as we did other things with the girl was never felt or seen that something was secreted can be so that I just do not secrete?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

The secretion of preejalucat occurs during strong sexual arousal, even before the penis is inserted into the vagina.

Anonim (Anonymous, 79.191.60.) 2 years ago

And the preejaculate is secreted more before the man arrives than immediately during intercourse, the intercourse lasted up to a minute and was repeated twice?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

The therapeutic effect of ellaOne is to delay the onset of ovulation, i.e. ovulation. It takes place about 14 days before menstruation. The moment of ovulation is influenced by many factors, e.g. stress, and therefore - despite calculations - it may shift. If intercourse took place on the day of ovulation or just after it, then ellaOne will not have the opportunity to delay the occurrence of what has already happened. In the case of intermittent intercourse, the risk of getting pregnant is quite high, because the preejaculate contains sperm capable of fertilization, only there are fewer of them than in sperm. I am attaching a study that may be helpful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/blog/edukacja-ciazowa-o-co-pacjenci-anonimowo-pytaja-farmaceutow

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