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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Michał (Anonymous, 37.248.175.) Warszawa 2 years ago

When I take amarene, I have to take a casing?

Good morning as I take amarene I have to take a casing as so it together with amarena boam take on the forehead

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Michał (Anonymous, 37.248.172.) 2 years ago

Thank you very much greet have a nice day I wish

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

2 years ago

Then please follow his guidelines - on an empty stomach take Emanera and after about 30 minutes, or the 1h recommended by me - eat breakfast and after the meal take Prokit.

Michał (Anonymous, 37.248.172.) 2 years ago

Because he told me to take the emander on the forehead before meals half an hour and later with the food of the procpit

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

2 years ago

The greater the time interval, the lower the risk of drug interactions, I would recommend an interval of 1h more than 30 minutes, but the decision is up to you.

Michał (Anonymous, 37.248.172.) 2 years ago

And the doctor tells me to eat for half an hour along with food

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

2 years ago

If Prokit has been ordered to you by a doctor - please use it as much as possible, with an interval of time from Emanera about 1-2 hours.

Michał (Anonymous, 37.248.172.) 2 years ago

Thank you and still a question and prokit need or not

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

2 years ago

No, Emanera does not require probiotics or other protective drugs - in fact, Emanera itself is a "shield" for the stomach, so there is no need to do so. Best regards!

Michał (Anonymous, 37.248.172.) 2 years ago

Emanera sorry

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

2 years ago

There is no drug called "amarena". Please specify what preparation you are talking about, then we will give you an answer.

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