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Ania (Anonymous, 37.248.174.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Which drug is better to take for the sinuses: Levoxa or Klabax?

Which drug is better to take for levox or Klabax sinuses? I mean which manirj side effects. Which is better tolerated.

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

The selection of two completely different antibiotics is not made on the basis of which one is "better", because they contain completely different active substances and show sensitivity to completely different microorganisms. In the case of drugs, the concept of "better" is purely subjective. From a medical point of view, there are no "better" and "worse" drugs - they can be better or worse chosen at most. The choice of antibiotic is made by the doctor either on the basis of an antibiogram (a swab from a specific organ is performed, on the basis of which laboratory methods are shown, which microorganisms caused the infection and the antibiotic that caused their fastest death is selected), or on the basis of the information and physical examination provided during the visit. The concept of "sinuses" is not precise in order to conclude from this at all what is wrong with you and whether an antibiotic is required. Please remember that the antibiotic works on bacteria - I do not know if you have an infection. We wrote about the different methods of treating sinuses here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/app/kategorie/zatoki Each drug can cause side effects, also different from those described in the leaflet, so it is impossible to say which of the drugs will cause them less. There may always be others than the manufacturer described. As for tolerance - the fact that a given drug is well tolerated by patient A does not give any reason to claim that it will be equally tolerated by patient B. Antibiotics are not selected either in terms of possible side effects or in terms of tolerance. It is to be effective against microorganisms causing infection, safe for the patient (do not choose substances to which the patient is allergic) and show as few interactions with other drugs taken as possible. I am attaching a study that may be helpful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/app/artykuly/fakty-i-mity-o-antybiotykach

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