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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Kobieta (Anonymous, 46.205.146.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Should I have fertile days while using Ginoring?

I've been using my first Ginoring vaginal disc for less than two weeks. According to the normal cycle, I should have fertile days, or rather ovulation. Currently, mucus is visible, but it is not what I always have during fertile days. Did I do something wrong and put the album wrong? Should there be fertile days? Is this mucus normal? I have concerns about intercourse I will add (I do not know if it matters) that 5 ago I had sex with ejaculation inside.

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The use of hormonal contraception does not cause that no vaginal discharge will appear. In addition to blocking ovulation, hormones also thicken cervical mucus. The patient may therefore have the impression that the vaginal discharge is different than before the start of the use of hormones. However, it is difficult for me to assess the mucus that appeared specifically in you at this moment. If it does not have the character of vaginal discharge, does not have a changed color or unpleasant smell, then it is possible that it does not mean anything.

Kobieta (Anonymous, 46.205.146.) 2 years ago

In that case, what is this mucus that appeared? 🤔

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The Ginoring disc contains hormones whose main role is to block ovulation. There is no ovulation and there are no fertile days. Thanks to this, the Ginoring vaginal disc has a contraceptive effect. When using hormonal contraception, you will not have a "normal" cycle, only time with a disc and days off. There will also be no physiological menstruation, only the so-called withdrawal bleeding resulting from the interval between the applications of subsequent discs. You can no longer be guided by the notes "from the calendar". Instructions for the correct insertion and use of the disc can be found in the product leaflet. If this is your first album, it is worth getting acquainted with it in detail so as not to make a mistake: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/96195/ginoring-przyrzad/ulotka/244491

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