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Pjoter (Anonymous, 109.199.65.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it known when Spectrum's Dried Medical Cannabis Red 2 will be available?

Hi Do you know when it will be RED NO2 available?

105 answers

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Mike (Anonymous, 104.28.130.) 2 years ago

:) available on Kopisto

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

I received information from the manufacturer that the new supply of 30 kg has been distributed to pharmacies since yesterday. In the coming days, the availability of dried fruit should be improved.

pytanie (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Good morning Mrs. MSc, we have a new week, and in pharmacies (Mazowieckie) there is a shortage of red no 2 dried, in wholesalers it was supposed to be last week. Has anything changed? Please update the information.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @nomm: As for Aurora - there are currently no such plans. The first medical marijuana extract is about to appear on the market: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/115101/cannabis-extractum-normatum-thc-10-cbd1-ekstrakt-vetos-farma-ziola/apteki The manufacturer recommends that it can be used to produce capsules. I attach sample photos of prescriptions.

nomm (Anonymous, 188.146.38.) 2 years ago

Mrs. MSc and you know something about capsules to swallow from Aurora? They are a tycoon in various markets when it comes to capsules with thc content.

pytanie (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

That's exactly what I thought. No words for this product, but... maybe someone will be useful ... maybe someone will be able to afford it. We should spread the information on this forum that there are pharmacies that do much stronger oil or according to the indications on the prescription as to the power and really cheaper! And it can be indica, sativa, or mixed oil! The record on the prescription can be any in fact.

pytanie (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

So 5g of substances with a power of 10%? So there is 500mg of THC in the bottle?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

I would like to mention that the bottle is 10 ml, and in its middle there is only 5 g of the product. I do not know how it looks in terms of ml of product. The bottle is filled with liquid about halfway, so that it can be diluted, for example, with rapeseed oil.

pytanie (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Let someone lead me out of the mistake or explain me more thoroughly.

pytanie (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

I do not really understand, then 10ml has a potency of only 10% THC ? And for 1000zl? After all, it is cheaper to buy 10g of any even Aurora 22 and make it oil in a pharmacy, for about 200zl ... in total, it will come out cheaper than 1000zl per stop percent. Speak well or am I wrong?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

At the beginning of April, the first extract of medical marijuana is to hit the market: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/115101/cannabis-extractum-normatum-thc-10-cbd1-vetos-farma-ziola/apteki Pharmacies can already submit demands in the Modumpharma wholesaler. The expected date of the first delivery of the raw material is mid-April this year. The extract is in the form of an oily liquid of light pink color. It is available in 10 ml bottles, in the amount of 5 g - approx. 205 drops. As for the nature of the raw material - the indica component prevails. The preparation can be used both in undiluted form and in a 1:1 dilution with rapeseed oil. It can also be a component of ointments, suppositories or capsules made in a pharmacy recipe. The forecast price is approx. PLN 1,000 per package.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Today we received information from the manufacturer that the new supply of Cannabis Sativa L., Red No 2 is to go to the wholesaler at the end of next week. From March 28, we expect an improvement in the availability of dried fruit in pharmacies.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Today I contacted the manufacturer again. As soon as I receive any information, it will be posted under this post and on the product page.

pytanie (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

When are the research of the new Red No 2 batch to be completed? Can the manufacturer share the information?

Zoya (Anonymous, 213.134.182.) 2 years ago

*That is, before it exceeds the expiration date, and does not lose it... ;)

Zoya (Anonymous, 213.134.182.) 2 years ago

I appeal to you to buy Red before it expires, so that the manufacturer knows that there is a reason to deliver it to us ;-) I believe in you ;-)

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

In my pharmacy I heard that even from the margin they can not go down if they have previously invoiced the drug in the system for a given amount.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Igor: The pharmacy can, for example, go down from the margin - thus reducing the price of the drug, if, for example, the expiration date of the raw material is approaching.

Igor  (Anonymous, 31.60.122.) 2 years ago

@pacjent I formulated a little wrong question, which was more addressed to your master or people who received such a discount. Can pharmacies give discounts on prescription drugs that have a short expiration date, or does it not make sense for pharmacies because they can return an expired drug to the manufacturer?

pacjent (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

And in which such discounts give? Give the address as you can, the name.

Igor (Anonymous, 31.60.116.) 2 years ago

Is it possible to maintain a discount at the pharmacy when filling the prescription at the end of March?

pacjent (Anonymous, 188.146.33.) 2 years ago

They will sell , until the end of 03

Zoya (Anonymous, 213.134.181.) 2 years ago

Interesting in fact, or maybe rather uninteresting ;) I thought that these 30 kg of reda would go away in a few days, and here I see a lot of availability all the time. Do you know if the expiration date of 3/2022 means to be used BEFORE March or UNTIL THE END OF MARCH? I wonder if pharmacies will still sell this batch in March, or will they not be allowed anymore?

Pacjent (Anonymous, 188.33.240.) 2 years ago

I wonder how to keep in a jar as you need to have the drug in the original packaging.

Zoya (Anonymous, 213.134.164.) 2 years ago

I would recommend Boost sachets instead of Boveda - Boveda can unfortunately pull out some smell, which Boost will not do. In fact, the shashette can work wonders. Even Red, about which I complained a little earlier that it smells mainly of pepper, after a few days with a sachet smells much more citrus. Magic. An interesting question is whether it is better to open or better to keep sealed, and the answer, of course, depends on what humidity the manufacturer has given us in the jar. The more below 55%, the greater the degradation of cannabinoids over time. I would say that the best thing you can do is to open and translate into a glass jar with a gasket (completely hermetic, from which no smell comes out, i.e. volatile compounds do not escape) with a thrown sachet and keep in a dark place. Glass, because plastic through static electricity will tear off and slowly degrade trichomes.

Pacjent (Anonymous, 5.173.139.) 2 years ago

Before the first use I throw boveda 24h earlier, I do this way and it's okay. These sachets can work wonders when the dried product gains the right humidity and gains in the smell of taste and power!

CannabisMan (Anonymous, 89.161.60.) 2 years ago

Folks, I have a question. Is it better to keep dried (sealed) or is it better to open and put Bovede (62%) to keep the humidity? which way will be able to store for a long time?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Pacjent: We do not yet have information about new deliveries.

Pacjent (Anonymous, 46.205.149.) 2 years ago

When is the next delivery of red no 2??

Zoya (Anonymous, 213.134.162.) 2 years ago

And please. Numerous frosted.

CannabisMan (Anonymous, 89.161.60.) 2 years ago

Can anyone else take a picture of the dried? compare to that Lord what he sent. Thanks

Zoya (Anonymous, 213.134.162.) 2 years ago

After all, we smell and even taste ;) I confirm, pepper feel the strongest in taste with vapo.

WTF? (Anonymous, 188.146.98.) 2 years ago

Maybe read less what is supposed to smell like and start sniffing? ;)

pacjent (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

I sign, in the smell of maybe citrus strongly ripe something mango-lemon, while in the taste after puffing from the lime I feel caryophyllen clearly pepper.

Zoya (Anonymous, 213.134.168.) 2 years ago

When we Google "leafy lemon skunk", we can see that officially in this variety caryophyllene dominates, so in total it would be correct. Something citrus-manga feel in the second order, at least in my poodle.

Jacek (Anonymous, 31.61.164.) 2 years ago

It smells and tastes like limonene as always.

Władysław Gomułka (Anonymous, 188.146.98.) 2 years ago

Do not worry, soon in all these Auroras and Spectrums it will be the same weed because it is two brotherly pharmaceutical behemoths who grow this ganja just any way, faster, on anything and anywhere and ganja is a plant that needs to be given some time and tenderness ;) There will only be a lottery in batches, because there will be those bearable, the worse and the tragic ones in random proportions (optimistic version). The dark people will of course buy it (because there is no CHOICE) and little will not kill themselves at the same time. PS. In "civilized" countries, MM is sold in transparent containers. PS. I have not tested this Red yet but it looks completely different and since it is peppery it probably confused the vats or their fertilizers and other chemicals because previously it was Lemon Skunk and actually was lemon as f@ck, even now the boxes empty feel lemon. Lemon Skunk has no right to smell of pepper, unless you @Zoya the sense of smell has sharpened (from the deep sensations after Aurora) See the photos and review on stonerchef.

MUSLIM (Anonymous, 89.64.59.) 2 years ago

My opinion the same

Zoya (Anonymous, 213.134.187.) 2 years ago

Attention, attention, survey ;) to people who used Red before and bought now... How does this party compare to the previous ones? Tops look cute, that's a fact. In the smell you can not feel either lemon or skunk, and mainly caryophyllene (pepper). For a person accustomed to Aurora 22, the action is quite "flat", although nice, but much less interesting than Aurora (less invasive, more "for the day"). It is known - each patient has different needs. Were Red's previous games the same?

N2O2 (Anonymous, 188.146.101.) 2 years ago

The most ... only you would still have to have a prescription ... thanks MEDICANA(L)!

MUSLIM (Anonymous, 89.64.59.) 2 years ago

I confirm, as for me it is the best drought available in our country, aurora unfortunately does not help me, here enough for me 0.25 to fenix mini and aurora could use 1 g and the effect will not be even in 50% what after Red No 2, Thank you Spectrum

mypacjenci (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) 2 years ago

Red is so plump, e.g. according to me aurora even 20 of it is missing, despite the fact that indica. This skunk looks very nice.

MUSLIM (Anonymous, 89.64.59.) 2 years ago

A little poorly trimmed but there is nothing to complain about

N2O2 (Anonymous, 188.146.101.) 2 years ago

Throw some pics, it se at least look! :)

Zoya (Anonymous, 213.134.164.) 2 years ago

They just work with other pharmacies, so they have different info. @Jacek, thanks for the entry, thanks to you I just understood that there are pharmacies that are not here on the portal, I booked and IS. I paid about 307 zł for 5 g in Ziko in W-wie.

Zimnylech (Anonymous, 31.61.164.) 2 years ago

on the ktomalek.pl, however, there is information faster, who has what

Medikanał (Anonymous, 188.146.96.) 2 years ago

Write prices.... Taste narobicie ... damn ;)

Jacek (Anonymous, 185.192.71.) 2 years ago

315 in Ziko Wawa a slight exaggeration for k putting paper on an elastic band recipe!

MUSLIM (Anonymous, 89.64.59.) 2 years ago

@mypacjenci 10 g for 30 days is enough for me

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