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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Ola  (Anonymous, 5.173.136.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Does Acifungin contain griseofulvin?

Good morning, does Acifungin contain griseofulvin?

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Ola  (Anonymous, 213.134.161.) 2 years ago

I understand, if I use the preparation about 9 and at 13 I take the contraceptive pill and to be sure I wash my hands exactly 5 times, there is no risk that a little of the product will remain on the hand?

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

After thorough washing of your hands - nothing bad threatens you. The preparation is in the form of a solution, which after applying washing agents descends from the surface of the skin. Please after the application of the preparation for some time do not touch the food.

Ola  (Anonymous, 213.134.161.) 2 years ago

And if I use Acifungin on the fingernail in my hand, it is enough to wash my hand thoroughly to get rid of the preparation before eating? Does the drug persist despite washing? Can I eat safely after washing without fear of getting the drug into my mouth?

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

No, it does not contain. The composition of Acifungin Forte is as follows: boric acid 4.024g; salicylic acid 0,966g; gallic acid anhydrous 1,61g; glacial acetic acid 2g, tannin 4,4g; methyl salicylate 1g and excipients

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