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Martyś (Anonymous, 5.60.46.) Warszawa 2 years ago

After 23 and 24 days of intercourse, are the lines on the pregnancy test already clearly visible?

Is the pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 10ul 23 days after intercourse and with a sensitivity of 25ul. 24 days after intercourse with morning and afternoon urine that came out negative could give a false negative result? Are the lines rather visible after such a time?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

More than three weeks after intercourse, urine tests should detect pregnancy if it happens. A positive result on a pregnancy test is associated with the appearance of two dashes, as in the sample photo in the following thread: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/11954/czy-istnieje-wytlumaczenie-dlaczego-na-tescie-ciazowym-pojawily-sie-dwie-kreski Tests for home use are reliable according to the manufacturer's declaration. For example, "On the basis of clinical and laboratory studies carried out, it was found that the reliability of the pregnancy test is 99%". Or "more than 99% accurate" or "accuracy over 99.9%". So there is a very small margin of error. If the patient performs more than one test, then it is very unlikely that each of them will show an abnormal result: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/test-ciazowy-jaki-wybrac-i-kiedy-zrobic

Nina (Anonymous, 78.30.100.) 39 days ago

There was no injection in the vagina, but the preyaculant was on it and what is the probability that the preyaculant fell inside? I'm also worried about the lack of period
I will add that during intercourse I had fertile days

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

39 days ago

To @Nina:

If there has been no ejaculation in the vagina, the likelihood of pregnancy is negligible. Based on the tests, you can rule out pregnancy.

Nina (Anonymous, 78.30.100.) 39 days ago

20 days have passed since the intercourse, it was not ordinary intercourse, but the so-called peeting, rubbing, but my partner did not come, nevertheless, 5 days ago I should have had a period that I have not had so far, I did 6 tests, all negative, all from morning urine and all after at least a week after intercourse, but there is still no menstruation, is there a chance that I am pregnant? I'm posting a photo of today's test done in the morning on the 20th day after intercourse

Symptoms: a little bit dizzy, breast pain, stomachache  (Anonymous, 61.18.122.) 54 days ago

Hello, Doctor! I am concerned whether I have my menstruation or implantation bleeding because it only lasts for 2 days to fill 2 pads in red color for the whole menstruation. I have done my blood HCG tests 16 days, 23 days and 30 days (21 days after bleeding) after intercourse and also urine tests which are all negative. Should I still need to be worried that I am pregnant? Is HCG still too early to detect in blood and urine 30 days after intercourse?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

16 months ago

Up to @Czarna: Negative results of pregnancy tests performed 10, 14 and 20 days after intercourse are reliable. Usually, pregnancy symptoms are felt only a few (4-6) weeks after fertilization.

Czarna (Anonymous, 46.134.74.) 16 months ago

Hello, February 11 I had intercourse, which I have been using for many years with my husband. On February 19, I got a period that was less abundant than ever. But there were clots visible in it. After 10, 14 and 20 days, I did pregnancy tests at different times of the day. All negative. Are they reliable? For several days my lower abdomen and like a bladder hurt. Could it be a sign of pregnancy

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Martyś: Ovulatory pain is associated with the rupture of the ovarian structure referred to as the Graff follicle and the release of the egg. The transformations and processes accompanying this phenomenon can cause a feeling of pain. It lasts on average several hours, sometimes it is longer and exceptionally it can last up to 3 days. A distinctive feature of ovulatory pain is its location on one side (since each month ovulation occurs in only one ovary). It may also be accompanied by other symptoms resulting from the fertility rhythm, such as changing the vaginal mucus to one with the consistency of "raw chicken protein". However, without a gynecological examination and / or ultrasound, you can not "guess" what may be the causes of lower abdominal pain in your case.

Martyś (Anonymous, 5.60.46.) 2 years ago

I have 24-26 day cycles and today falls on the 13th day of the cycle and from the 10th day of the cycle my lower abdomen hurts, usually the ovaries or one of them, at the beginning I thought it was for ovulation but the pain I feel to this day, however, much less than yesterday, or it is possible that it is from ovulation or some disorders, it seems to me that ovulation has never been so unstable. Unfortunately, I can have a gynecologist only at the end of the month and I do not know how to pick it up.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Martyś: Yes, in such a situation you can be sure that the fertilization did not take place and you are not pregnant.

Martyś (Anonymous, 5.60.46.) 2 years ago

Thank you very much for your help, I did ultrasensitive platelet tests 9days,13, 14 15 and 20 days after intercourse And they all came out negative. Menstruation appeared on time and was quite sagging (20 days after intercourse, the test was performed on the last day of bleeding). So I can be sure that fertilization did not happen? In addition, it was a ratio with a condom without injection which rather reduces the risk of pregnancy

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