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Zimna (Anonymous, 77.91.37.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How is it possible that a son with autism after the drug Ranofren is aggressive, instead of muted?

Hello, for 3 days he has been giving his son with autism the drug ranofren, after which, according to the leaflet, he should be drowsy and calm. And here I have a reaction quite the opposite, already half an hour after taking it is so aggressive that it goes into a rage, beats, kicks and sleeps little to it. How is this possible?? Is it a drug, however, not for him? He also takes depakine and large doses of haloperidol and setaloft.

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Olanzapine (the active ingredient in Ranofren) should reduce the symptoms of hyperactivity or agitation. It is an antipsychotic. Agitation and aggression are listed in the drug documentation as side effects if you take too high a dose or overdose. Olanzapine is well absorbed after oral administration, reaches maximum plasma concentrations within 5-8 hours. You did not specify the age of your son, but experience with the use of the drug in adolescents (aged 13 to 17 years) is limited, so the registered indications apply to adult patients (over 18 years). This means that underage patients may experience unexpected and indescribable reactions or side effects. An interaction (interaction) between Ranofren and the preparations already in use cannot be excluded either. I can present the above information from a pharmaceutical point of view, but the described situation should prompt you to urgently contact a doctor who knows the case of your son and can answer whether the drug or therapy should be changed. I enclose links to threads that may be of interest to you: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/52978/leki-stosowane-w-autyzmie https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/11809/rispolept-czy-rispolept-nie-zaszkodzi-6-letniemu-dziecku-choremu-na-autyzm

Katarzyna (Anonymous, 78.11.235.) 7 months ago

My ninety-year-old mother with very restless nights syndrome behaved very aggressively after taking ranophrene (the lowest dose). She was waving her arms, crying, uncovering the covers, screaming...

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