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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Hipi (Anonymous, 83.5.168.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Does a white spot after the Neoparin injection indicate that the drug was given too shallowly?

Is it normal that after the 3rd injection of neoparine I earned around the puncture at the beginning of the convex white spot, now there is discoloration. Is it because I could give the drug too shallowly?

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Hipi (Anonymous, 83.5.168.) 2 years ago

Thank you

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

Yes, one possible reason could be that the drug was given too shallowly. According to the manufacturer's instructions, the syringe needle should be inserted whole, perpendicular to the skin fold and gently pressing the plunger, introduce the contents of the syringe under the skin. I leave a link to the video in which we show how, according to the instructions in the leaflet, the administration of heparin should look like subcutaneously:

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