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Anna (Anonymous, 5.173.76.) Warszawa 5 years ago

How to store birth control pills on vacation?

How to store birth control pills on vacation? According to the leaflet, leverettes should be below 30 ° C. Usually in the summer I went camping and kayaking, but how to protect the tablets from heat and moisture, in 35 ° heat kayaking in full sun or in a tent warmed up by the sun? Please give me some advice, I would not like to give up my passions, but I would also like not to change the form of contraception

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

5 years ago

Tak jak Pani zauważyła, w ulotce leku wyraźnie napisano, iż tabletek nie należy przechowywać w temperaturze powyżej 30 °C. Długotrwałe przechowywanie leków w takiej temperaturze (zwłaszcza hormonów czy antybiotyków) może wpłynąć negatywnie na ich właściwości.

Ważne jest, aby lek nie był narażony na bezpośrednie oddziaływanie promieni słonecznych. Przebywając na biwaku można np. przechowywać tabletki w małym styropianowym boksie do transportu leków, podczas spływu lek należy przechowywać tak, aby nie padały na niego promienie słoneczne i aby nie był narażony na działanie wilgoci, np. w torebce termoizolacyjnej ze struną. Torebkę taką można zakupić w aptece.
Dostępność w aptekach w Warszawie można sprawdzić tutaj: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/87383/apteo-care-torebka-termoizolacyjna-wielokrotnego-uzytku-pojemnik/apteki/w-warszawie

Proszę pamiętać, iż "przechowywanie" oznacza długotrwałe przetrzymywanie leku w danym miejscu. 2-3 dniowe narażenie leku na wyższe temperatury nie powinno mu zaszkodzić (jeśli nie będzie narażony na bezpośrednio na działanie promieni słonecznych). Jeśli lek będzie przechowywany w oryginalnym opakowaniu, dodatkowo umieści Pani tabletki w torebce termoizolacyjnej ze struną, całość zostanie umieszczona na dnie plecaka, lek nie zmieni swoich właściwości i ochrona antykoncepcyjna zostanie zachowana.

Więcej na temat przechowywania leków można przeczytać w jednym z naszych artykułów: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/tematy/jak-przechowywac-leki


10 months ago

And if I had to take pills with me to the doctor and I had them a few hours away from home and in the car and outside, as I was in my purse, does it affect the effectiveness?


12 months ago

The pills were in the car there about 10 hours gdizes so it seems to me that there could have been a temperature of more than 30 degrees, it is still preserved their skutevkosx? I would add that when I removed the pills from the suitcase wszytskie things were warm as well as the box of these tablets.czy despite this skutevkosx is preserved? It was two weeks ago and now I have doubts because I still have a few pills to the end of blsitra.


12 months ago

And can you jesfze odpoediz this question as przewoxikam these pills on the go is whether they were well stored?


12 months ago

I keep solid tablets in the cabinet, in addition, they are in the cabinet bag, it does not rain the sun, and even if they are in this cabinet, even in addition, e purse, but sometimes there is a temperature outside above 30 degrees and it is hot at home, but whether what I wrote affects the tableytki badly or is it stored

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

For @Gabriela: If temperatures above 30°C persist in the apartment / house for a long time, it is recommended to store medicines in the coldest room in a lockable cabinet, preferably near the floor and without access to sunlight. In addition, you can consider using a heat-insulating bag or thermobox. If the temperature usually does not exceed 30°C in the place where Vines tablets are constantly stored, this effect is preserved.


12 months ago

And if every day I keep vines tablets in the cabinet and it does not fall on the sun but it is hot as now, for example, after 30 or over degrees, can it somehow disturb the operation of vines?


12 months ago

So such a car transport in one way 5 hours and in the other also 5 when they are hidden in a backpack, but even though the sun is falling on the backpack because the wind Now the heat is it will not reduce the effectiveness of the tablets

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

To @Gabriela: As stated below, "storage" means long-term retention of the drug in a given place. Therefore, a 4-hour journey by car will not affect the effectiveness of your pills.


12 months ago

So I ask more precisely, if there is a temperature outside, for example, these 30 degrees k, if in such weather kwchalam 4 hours by car with pills and bull they are hidden in a backpack that I had with me in sampcjdoze but on this backpack through the windows wiaosmo could fall sun, whether such a road in one direction 4 gidz and the other also about 5 can affect the reduction of effectiveness? I take them in the morning so I don't take them to the beach, it's just about this route by car


12 months ago

Good morning, I have such a situation namely. I am currently our sea about taking vines pills. And my question is whether I store them well because. In the car kwchalam with them 4 hours, you know, now it is summer, hot, I think it could have been 30 degrees and if the milakm tablets hidden in a backpack so that the sun does not reach the box, I do not untie my pockets, including backpacks, could this temperature flow to reduce the effectiveness? Being by the sea, I have hidden tablets in the cabinet, but also these 4.5 hours I will return in this car, so if I store these pills in this way, can they work badly? To the sea nihzeo I do not take them that soy only zpsyaiwwm in the place of sleep. But can this expensive car and both steome affect the effectiveness of sxi if it stores them in a backpack?

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