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Stan lat 72.  (Anonymous, 89.151.45.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can the StructuActive capsule casing cause diarrhea and loose stools?

I suffered from erosion manger disease in 2002 and A ban on salicylates and NSAIDs. I take the StructuActiv capsules recommended by the orthopedist. A side effect is slight diarrhea or very loose stools. Does it cause the capsule cap. Is it possible to open the capsule and take the contents and the capsule to be boomed.

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Diarrhea or loose stools can be caused by the use of chondroitin, which is the ingredient contained in the capsule, not the capsule cover. According to the manufacturer of the StructuActiv supplement - the capsule should be swallowed whole. StructuActiv is a dietary supplement that has no therapeutic effect, but only aims to support the daily diet with the necessary ingredients, in this case chondroitin. I attach links to helpful materials: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czym-roznia-sie-leki-od-suplementow https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/96185/activlab-pharma-structuactiv-500-kapsulki/apteka-internetowa?pvid=241244

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