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Robotnik (Anonymous, 31.0.123.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Does Siofor lower sugar or just maintain levels?

Does siofor lower sugar or just maintain the level, for some time I have been taking siofor but I have sugar at 115 and I have to do periodic tests to work and there is a problem with the doctor's instep

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

It is not clear from your entry when your glucose level is 115. Is it about the fasting test? If you mean a glucose measurement made in the morning on an empty stomach, authenticated by the laboratory, then in the event of an incorrect result, you should consult a doctor to modify the therapy. Both too low and too high glycemic levels are bad for health. Siofor contains metformin, which is a substance used to treat diabetes. Metformin helps to lower blood glucose to values as close to normal as possible. Siofor is available in a choice of doses, including in the form of prolonged-release tablets, which allows you to tailor the treatment to the needs of a particular patient. Metformin works in at least three different ways: it lowers hepatic glucose production, increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin in the muscles, so that they better capture and consume glucose, delays the intestinal absorption of glucose. I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-cukrzyce https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czym-rozni-sie-cukrzyca-typu-1-od-cukrzycy-typu-2

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