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Karoo (Anonymous, 5.173.25.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can medications in such doses be taken simultaneously?

Good morning. From today, due to reflux esophagitis and erythematous gastropathoie, I have to take the following medications: Zirid 2x1 tbl. and Helicid forte 40mg 2x1 kaps. Can drugs in such doses be taken simultaneously, e.g. before a meal or better Zirid before and Helicid forte during? Shouldn't I take more care of some vitamins because of the consumption of these drugs? ? Thank you in advance.

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

I propose to separate the intake of Zirid and Helicid Forte in time - Helicid Forte take in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast and before dinner, with an interval of 2 hours from other meals. Please take Zirid before the second breakfast and before afternoon tea. The acidity of gastric juice affects the absorption of minerals, including calcium, iron or magnesium and vitamin B12. I would not immediately implement additional supplementation of these preparations, but take care of their adequate supply in the diet. From time to time, with long-term use of Helicid Forte, your doctor may order an examination of their level in the blood. I am attaching a study that may be helpful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/app/artykuly/czy-trzeba-suplementowac-witaminy-i-mineraly

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