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Magda 112 (Anonymous, 188.147.101.) Warszawa 2 years ago

I'm looking for feedback on the IUB Ballerine insert.

Hi I'm looking for feedback on the IUB Ballerine insert. Are they really more abundant after the assumptions? What is the effectiveness and in general do I recommend? Currently for 3 years I have Mirene but I want to replace it because I have a problem with hormones, I feel terribly bad.

21 answers

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

At the moment, we do not yet have opinions or questions from patients about the IUB Ballerine device, but if they appear, they can be found at the following link: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/102362/iub-ballerine-midi-wkladka-wewnatrzmaciczna-scu300b-miedziana-antykoncepcyjna-inn/pytania IUB Ballerine is a hormone-free intrauterine device for up to 5 years. It has a spherical shape and small size (diameter 15 mm) - it is a thread made of a combination of titanium and nickel with planted copper beads. The contraceptive effect is due to the copper ions released from them. According to the materials of the marketing authorisation holder, after putting on this IUD, "menstruation may be more abundant and longer, sometimes spotting may also appear in the period between menstruation – most of these side effects disappear after 2-3 months". This insert is also supposed to cause fewer side effects such as pain or bleeding, which was assessed compared to the copper insert in the standard shape of the letter "T". I enclose information about the availability of the product in pharmacies integrated with GdziePoLek: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/102362/iub-ballerine-midi-wkladka-wewnatrzmaciczna-scu300b-miedziana-antykoncepcyjna-inn/apteki and additional materials: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/wkladki-domaciczne

Anonymous  (Anonymous, 80.233.48.) 38 days ago

I had the ballerine coil fitted 9 months ago. During insertion; I cannot explain the excruciating pain. I would consider myself as someone who has a fairly high pain threshold but this was beyond bearable. I loved the coil for the first 3 months, periods were regular and a lot heavier but that’s expected. After the 3 month mark I missed one cycle..periods became so irregular and often lasted more than 7 days. I have finally decided to get the coil removed. Went in for my appointment and the doctor couldn’t even budge/move the coil without causing me that unbearable pain which I was unfortunately familiar with. She failed to remove it and now It’s looking like I may have to go under anaesthesia. :((((

Aga  (Anonymous, 86.16.174.) 48 days ago

The IUD was inserted 5 years ago, the insertion was very painful, menstruation was horribly heavy with clots falling out, and spotting before each period is the norm! A week ago, a half-hour attempt to pull it out failed, only under anesthesia. I don't recommend it!! And from what I read, there are many of us with similar problems with this cartridge:(

Cla00 (Anonymous, 151.18.12.) 3 months ago

I've had IUB for 5 years; Very strong pain at insertion, very long and abundant but not painful menstruation. I went to the gynecologist who put it on me to remove it and she couldn't, she even told me that she could stay inside even longer. Luckily I went to the hospital and had it removed under general anesthesia. The spiral was destroyed, the wires almost detached and the oxidized balls losing their pieces!! Be careful, don't use it!!

Aksji (Anonymous, 5.173.170.) 6 months ago

I've been wearing a ballerina for 3 years. My bleeding is much heavier. From 4 days before the IUD I now have 7-8 days of heavy bleeding. I don't have a comparison, because it's my first IUD, but I'm going to replace it with a hormonal one to end heavy periods.
I'm not planning on having more kids, so the hormone IUD is my choice now.

Gosia (Anonymous, 37.248.220.) 7 months ago

I've got this IUD in place and I'm waiting for the procedure to remove it in the hospital. In the doctor's office, he was unable to because she was tearing and the pain was unbearable. Now I'm going to have to go under anesthesia.

Kasia  (Anonymous, 89.64.87.) 10 months ago

I do not recommend. The insert lowered once and I had to replace it with a new one. The gynecologist replaced me with a new one, then the lecturer slid again after about a year and I became pregnant. I omit the issues that it is supposed to work even if it decreases. Of course, I'm a very happy mother, but I don't think that's how this insert is supposed to work.

Aga  (Anonymous, 194.63.131.) 10 months ago

The insert fulfilled its task for five years. Putting on the insert was not the most pleasant experience, but an experience. I had regular periods, not exceptionally abundant. However, the problem arose when pulling out the IUD - it grew into the uterus and could not be removed normally in the gynecological chair. I had to remove the IUD in the hospital under anesthesia. I see that I'm not the only one.

Ola  (Anonymous, 5.173.206.) 13 months ago

IUB insert is the best solution for someone who no longer wants to deal with hormones plus salvation for nulliparous women. I've had it for almost 5 years. I do not understand the comments about the pain when putting on - it will be the same when putting on each insole. Bleeding was increased for the first 3-4 months, after that everything returned to normal, I controlled its placement as prescribed by the doctor, nothing like that happened and I did not get pregnant. I chose it without hesitation 5 years ago without any opinions about it and I will choose it again, I highly recommend it!

Natalia (Anonymous, 94.254.178.) 13 months ago

I have had the Ballerine insert put on for over half a year, in my opinion putting on was unpleasant and painful. The next two days I took painkillers. Menstruation was a bit "gone", but this is the result of the fact that when I put on the IUD I took hormones at the same time. Currently, the period has extended by two days, and the bleeding in my case is very strong, on the 2-3rd day of the period the largest tampons I found I have to replace on average every 2-3 hours. I knew that periods were more abundant, but in my case it was a gap between those I had before hormones and the spiral. Due to the current comfort and improvement of body weight, which went up a lot after hormones, I will stay with Ballerine, but unfortunately this period is a drama for me ...

Mama1 (Anonymous, 37.225.28.) 14 months ago

It was after a year of wearing the IUB that I found that I was pregnant

Alexis (Anonymous, 5.173.28.) 15 months ago

I've had an IUB for a year. Light bleeding and pain after inserting the IUD lasted 3-4 weeks, but after another menstruation the symptoms disappeared and everything normalized. The IUD remained in place, the periods are regular, a little more abundant, but they are not bothersome, for the first two days of menstruation I use "super" tampons instead of "normal" and I do not feel any change. Interestingly, before putting on Ballerine, the first two days of each period were associated with severe back and abdominal pain, and since the insertion of the IUD I have been going through menstruation painlessly. This is my first contraceptive device, I expected side effects and a burdensome period, and my experience so far has been very positive. Recommend.

Ewelina N (Anonymous, 37.30.4.) 18 months ago

I do not recommend. Spotting and a heavy period were to stop after 2 months. It's been 6 months and I'm already 37 days old. Actually, hemorrhage not period. The sanitary pad leaks after an hour. Fear to leave the house. Pills to stop the period do not help. Cash in the mud

Dolores (Anonymous, 83.4.148.) 18 months ago

I have been wearing the IUD for 4 months. Menstruation is terribly heavy and painful, and there are spotting in the middle of the cycle. I used antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antihemorrhagic drugs. Currently, the doctor has written me Lenzetto,if it does not help I take it out immediately. Generally, I regret that I put it on. You had to listen to your friends, not the doctors. ADVISE AGAINST.

K.S. (Anonymous, 5.173.18.) 1 year ago

I have had IUB Ballerine inserts for 4 months, before - for 12 years - I also used copper inserts, but those in the shape of the letter "T". I am in my 40s and the doctors advised me against IUB (they recommended a hormonal IUD). I persisted and stuck to my decision - I chose IUB, which did not work out for me. Everything in it is perfect until... the appearance of menstruation. This is where the "stairs" begin for me in the form of hemorrhages, because it is difficult to call it abundant bleeding. The bleeding is so heavy and weakening my condition that I am unable to function for 2 culminating days of menstruation. Even the antihemorrhagic drug Cycloamine does not help. I'm afraid I won't give this insert a 5-year chance. Apart from the only minus (severe bleeding), the rest of my opinion about IUB Ballerine are the positives themselves.

Alalal (Anonymous, 31.0.181.) 1 year ago

I have had ballerina for 4 years, I decided to pull it out because it moved and no longer gave me full protection. It turned out that she is ingrown into the uterus - it is impossible to pull her out in the office, the attempts themselves are very painful. I am currently lying in the hospital and waiting for a procedure with general anesthesia. I STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST IT!!!

Anna (Anonymous, 86.63.87.) 1 year ago

I have had this insert for 2 years. Menstruation is about 8 days, there is no pain at all. Still, next time I'll wear Mirena.

Mama (Anonymous, 194.29.182.) 1 year ago

Thanks to ballerina I became a mother two weeks ago.... So to put it mildly, I do not recommend ... Although I have a wonderful daughter... And at the moment I do not regret that the insert failed ....

Justa (Anonymous, 83.20.232.) 2 years ago

Menstruation normal . In addition, the insert began to move. The doctor recommended additional protection .

Matka 39 (Anonymous, 83.24.114.) 2 years ago

The period of 2 weeks, abundant for 3 days with every 1g tampon I change I have it 5 msc I will still give a chance but with 3 msc as not it removes. Normally, the period lasted a week.

Fabia  (Anonymous, 91.193.208.) 2 years ago

I've had Ballerine for almost a year. I put on 5 months after cc. The assumption was not made, but a visit to the dentist is worse. To survive. Menstruation 2 days longer than usual and a bit more abundant but also not hakos particularly significant. Lack of hormones jesy for me salutary because my libido does not fall, bie gain weight etc. I personally recommend vardzo :)

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