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Paula (Anonymous, 79.191.22.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it normal that after changing milk, the baby makes a rare poop after each feeding?

Hello. Last night I changed the milk of my 5 week old daughter from Nutramigen to Bebilon pepti syneo, this morning she made a green poop with white lumps, but the consistency was normal. For about 13 she has been pooping after each feeding and it is very rare and now in 30 minutes she has made twice watery blobs gently yellow. Is this normal when changing milk? There are no other symptoms. Pediatrician only on Wednesday. Please help.

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

This is a common side effect after changing milk.
If the symptoms do not improve after a few days, you should consult your pediatrician.

Here you can compare the prices of Bebilon Pepti Syneo in online pharmacies and place your order for home delivery or pharmacy pick-up:



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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Rare stools can be the result of an incorrect way of changing milk - you do not describe how you did it, but I conclude that right away. The new preparation should be introduced gradually. Suppose that so far you have used 3 teaspoons of Nutramigen powder to make the Nutramigen mixture. When changing milk to Bebilon Pepti Syneo, on the first day you should make a mixture of 1 teaspoon of Bebilon and 2 teaspoons of Nutramigen, the second - 2 teaspoons of Bebilon and 1 teaspoon of Nutramigen and only on the 3rd day completely change the milk. Of course, this is an example - I do not know how many teaspoons you use, but every day you should introduce 1 teaspoon more of a new preparation.

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