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Marysia (Anonymous, 91.236.84.) Warszawa 2 years ago

When can I safely take an antibiotic so that intercourse from the break is secured and not to worry about pregnancies?

I take syndi 35 tablets, on the day of the onset of withdrawal bleeding there was intercourse. I will probably have to start taking neomycinium and metronidazole. I have 3 days left until the end of the break. When can I safely take an antibiotic so that intercourse from the break is secured and not worry about pregnancies?

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

At that time, you were protected by previously taken correctly tablets.

Marysia (Anonymous, 91.236.84.) 2 years ago

Even if it is intercourse at a time when I did not take pills? I.e. during a break for bleeding?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

As I have already mentioned - an antibiotic can interfere with the action of tablets from the first week, so you must protect yourself additionally with a condom during intercourse. However, if you have previously taken the tablets correctly, the intercourse before therapy is secured.

Marysia (Anonymous, 91.236.84.) 2 years ago

I took them all regularly. With one I was only 50 minutes late and two in a row I had to take an hour earlier than usual. Everywhere he finds information that intercourse from the break is secured only if you take a tablet after a 7-day break from withdrawal. What if the antibiotic interferes with the action of the tablets from the first week? No risk?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

If you have used all Syndi-35 tablets correctly so far - regularly and without skipping - Neomycinum and Metronidazole, you can safely use it right away. The ratio will be secured.

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