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BarKowal (Anonymous, 85.221.136.) Warszawa 2 years ago

On which day of the cycle should I do a breast ultrasound if I use hormonal contraception?

Good morning, I would like to ask about the preparation for breast ultrasound. Namely, I know that if a woman has a normal cycle, it would be better to go for such a test in the first half of it. Does it matter when a woman is taking hormonal contraception? After all, then the cycle as such does not exist. Thank you in advance for your reply. Best regards

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

In principle, breast ultrasound can be done on any day of the cycle. It is true that it would be best to perform the test between the 1st-10th day of the cycle. Before menstruation, the breasts are often tender and swollen. In addition, the water content in the breast tissue increases, which makes it difficult to interpret the image seen. Because you are taking hormonal contraception, it is worth making an appointment at the beginning of the blister, not during or just before the withdrawal bleeding.

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