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Katarzyna (Anonymous, 87.239.222.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can losing weight with Drovelis mean that the pills have a bad effect on my body?

Good morning, I have been using drovelis pills for a month now and I am at this point at the second blister and I noticed a weight loss of 4 kg since the beginning of using contraception, I have never had weight fluctuations whether this contraception can contribute to weight loss? Is it possible that the pill has a bad effect on my body?

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Steffi (Anonymous, 89.247.160.) 10 months ago

Hello, I got my 2 packs through and lost 6 kilos during this time. I'm happy about it, but my digestion isn't that good either and I think it's because of that. Another 6 kilos and then find myself borderline again. I have 5 children and am 38 years old and I was stuck at 92/93 kilos forever.

Joanna (Anonymous, 178.235.147.) 2 years ago

I take droveris second mc and lose weight where after other tabl.weight always went up and no effects ubiczne

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

When taking Drovelis, no more than 1 in 10 people may experience fluctuations in body weight. Therefore, an increase as well as a decrease in body weight is possible. Losing 4 kilograms in 4-6 weeks is significant. It is worth watching and controlling the weight. Rapid and excessive weight loss can be unfavorable for health, especially in a patient with already existing underweight or malnutrition. However, it is difficult to interpret your individual case without more information. The progression of weight loss should prompt you to contact your doctor. I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/111326/drovelis-tabletki-powlekane/ulotka/265114 https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane

Katarzyna (Anonymous, 87.239.222.) 2 years ago

my weight has always stood still for years neither forward nor backward, now after taking these pills I started to lose weight so I think because I do not use any diet or anything similar.

Pati (Anonymous, 46.204.52.) 2 years ago

Have you had problems gaining weight in the past or have you been slim all your life without effort? I ask because I've read that a lot of people get fat.

Katarzyna (Anonymous, 5.173.42.) 2 years ago

I just do not gain weight on the contrary I fell from weight by 4 kg and I do not know if it is normal or something is wrong

Pati (Anonymous, 46.204.52.) 2 years ago

I'm afraid to take contraceptives, they were also prescribed to me and I took the second pill. I'm afraid of weight gain and other problems 😓

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