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Piotrek 1983 (Anonymous, 109.133.46.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Will Tadalafil help with premature ejaculation?

I have a problem with premature injection and the doctor prescribed me tadalafil can these pills help me?

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legbi (Anonymous, 185.97.16.) 1 year ago

You can use with an elastic band without an elastic band, but my woman takes anti pills so I do not know if there is any point in using rubber since without rubber is much more pleasant.

tetas (Anonymous, 212.91.26.) 1 year ago

Do you use with or without an elastic band?

Legbi (Anonymous, 185.11.129.) 1 year ago

It happens differently, it all depends on how excited I am, but so from 2 minutes to even 12 minutes.

tetas (Anonymous, 89.40.147.) 1 year ago

And how much do they prolong sex?

Legbi (Anonymous, 46.242.137.) 1 year ago

I took into account myself, but then I came to the conclusion that it is a drug, so it probably has its side effects, I stopped taking. For now, I use orgasm control wipes and it's better.

Piotrek 1984 (Anonymous, 212.160.230.) 1 year ago

Neither in the CHPL nor in the Leaflet do I find any effect of tadalafil on premature ejaculation. Where does this information come from?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Yes, Tadalafil is an effective drug used m.in in men struggling with the problem of premature ejaculation of various causes. I attach a link to helpful material: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/91046/tadalafil-teva-tabletki-powlekane

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