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Warszawa 2 years ago

How long after taking Tirosint Sol can I take iron, zinc, selenium and vitamin D3?

Hi how much time after taking tirosin sol can you take supplements probiotic and iron selenium zinc and vitamin d3

6 answers, 2 subscribers

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Katrinka (Anonymous, 91.192.88.) 2 years ago

I reported it to the doctor is just a change now after 12 years to tirosin

Katrinka (Anonymous, 91.192.88.) 2 years ago

Hi I have and dizziness and drugs to take this drug after it I walk like a dumbfounded and bad my psyche works jrdnak something can be wrong after taking this drug in the team I took eutyrox ni tsk not hylo were problrmy with polkniecirm tablets only but recently there were also problems because also in the head something happened after it

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

If you want to use the Thyroset supplement, you can perform m.in determination of the level of vitamin D3, ferritin, blood count parameters. These are not necessary tests, but performing them will allow you to determine the actual deficiencies of nutrients in your diet. As mentioned below, there is no need to make additional intervals between the use of the tablet from bottle 1 from the Thyroset set with vit. D3, vit. E, vit. K2 and omega-3 acids and taking Tirosint Sol: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/103365/tirosint-sol-plyn/ulotka/252613 So far, dizziness has not been indicated after taking Tirosint Sol. If you associate the described symptoms with the use of the preparation, I encourage you to consult the attending physician and to report the occurrence of side effects of the drug. Reporting side effects allows you to increase control over medicines available on the market. We wrote about how and why to report side effects in the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane

Katrinka (Anonymous, 91.192.88.) 2 years ago

And if after taking tirosin sol at 8 o'clock in the morning I can now take vitamins from the omega vitamin d3 set and biotin and vit e. Should we take breaks between taking this zrstswu?

Katrinka (Anonymous, 91.192.88.) 2 years ago

And do I have to do research to take vitamins tyrosept? The whole set? After taking the drug tirosin sol, can I have a return in the head for some time after taking it?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Since iron can impair the effects of levothyroxine, according to the available data, an interval of approximately 2-6 hours between Tirosint Sol and iron should be maintained. In the case of selenium, zinc or vitamin D3, there is no interaction with levothyroxine and there is no need to maintain any special spacing between these products. More information can be found here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/39530/cynk-czy-przy-chorobie-hashimoto-nalezy-stosowac-selen-i-cynk

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