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Czesław (Anonymous, 79.185.230.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How to safely discontinue Omeprazole?

How to safely discontinue omeprazole? Hi, I finish the treatment prescribed by the doctor with polprazole 20mg per day (gastropathy was detected). There is a big improvement and I plan to completely discontinue polprazole only apparently after discontinuation, there may be an overproduction of stomach acid. What to eat after weaning? What herbs will be helpful? Infusion of flaxseed will help? If the ailments return, should you suffer them or take polprazole? Or maybe instead of polprazole take something antacid type maalox? Please advise.

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

If treatment with PPIs fails, your doctor may decide to double the dose and/or add a histamine H2 blocker (e.g. famotidine) given at bedtime to your therapy. I encourage you to consult with the attending physician familiar with your state of health in detail.

Hania (Anonymous, 37.248.156.) 2 years ago

What will help with reflux if PPI drugs don't help but only exacerbate reflux?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Please remember that the decision on the need to use the drug or its discontinuation, the duration of therapy is made by the doctor on the basis of anamnesis (symptoms), physical examination and possibly the results of basic tests. Thus, the withdrawal scheme of Polprazole should also be discussed with it. Rapid recurrence of dyspeptic symptoms after discontinuation of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), including Polprazole, may make it difficult to stop treatment. It is often the result of hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid "from reflection" following hypergastrinemia. Medical literature states that LEI from the PPI group should be discontinued gradually, systematically extending the intervals between subsequent doses until complete discontinuation, e.g. every 2-3 days taking one tablet. It can also be changed to ranitidine and this also discontinued gradually. The diet during weaning is also important. Diet in gastropathy is an individual matter - you should avoid products that aggravate ailments. You should also follow the general rules of healthy eating - avoid fatty, fried or grilled foods. The diet should be easily digestible, it is necessary to exclude spicy and irritating foods of the stomach and limit the drinking of coffee and tea. A pharmacist within his competence can offer over-the-counter products, which we wrote about here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/leki-na-zapalenie-zoladka

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